Elder Grant Wolfgramm serving the people of Yap in Guam

by - July 31, 2016

This weeks email from Elder Wolfgramm was beautiful and spiritual. He is serving the people of Yap in Guam. There are just a few natives that speak their language of Yap and its not recorded or really known by many. Only 1500 people speaks it and he has slowly starting to get the hang of knowing a few words. The main thing that Grant notice about the people is that they really look, act and make food like other Polynesian cultures. So being Tongan himself, he felt like he was at home. Being with family and his people it was a no brainer to feel comfortable and get to know everyone. There was something about this people that he really feel a connection and a great importance of why he was sent there. He shared an experience while out working, he was using a machete and almost cut his finger off!! Oh no!! I was surprised when he mentioned that in the email. But he reassured us but sharing what happened afterwards. He had his companion to bless his finger that it will be ok. Such faith he has and I'm happy that he is doing ok. The food however is amazing! He gets fed on the daily and he doesn't need to worry about starving!! lol Well that a little bit of Elder Grant Wolfgramm's few weeks been so far and as always excited to hear more stories in the near future! 
Luv ya Elder Wolfgramm!

<3 Aunty Jay

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