Elder Grant Wolfgramm Email #26

by - June 04, 2017

Hey there everyone!! So yeah your probably wondering about my week and yeah it was good! I actually went to Guam this last weekend and its crazy to think about but my mission president is leaving and I will be getting a brand new mission president by the end of this transfer... It truly is interesting to think about... But yeah it was a great meeting we had here on Guam and I'm looking forward to heading back to Yap and helping all the missionaries there to improve their work... But yeah things are going good in the mission one thing I though that was really funny at our meeting is my mission president was talking about a time when he was in a bathroom stall (yeah he often goes on random tangents) and he saw something that made him laugh and it was this he saw:
"God is Dead"
"Goethe is Dead"
Yeah you may or may not get it but it took me a while haha but yeah I thought that was good he related it to how the world is moving away from God and yeah we as missionaries help them to bring the light! But yeah my week was good everything is going good and we hope to continue to progress our current investigators to baptism and then eventually to the Temple...
But my love goes out to all of you thank you for all the love and support on my behalf!
Keep it real!

Much love and plenty Ofa atu's, 
Elder Wolfgramm

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