Front bumper accident on Highway I-15

by - March 06, 2018


What a way to start off our anniversary, with a highway accident that affected our front bumper of our car. It started both me and Mika when her was driving. Dumb ripped tire was loose on the highway that a semi ran over it and flipped quick towards our car and we had no way to move out of the way. It hit the car and we pulled over on the next exit to check the damaged. The car ran over the loose tire and it broke off the under carriage hood that was protecting the engine. We called the police to make a report but got shot down because the semi kept going and nothing else they could do. Mika called the insurance and told them our situation. Hope to hear back from them soon. Until then, we can still drive but we probably wont be doing much until then. Ugh what a nightmare of a day. Please Lord help me get through this day without anymore headaches!

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