Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #29

by - March 26, 2018

Hello Family! This week so so awesome! Sister Minton and I are having SO much fun being on bikes! We've fallen off a couple times this week lol but we were able to dust off our shoulders and move forward! We met a lot of people this week!!!! 

Late Night Miracle!
It was getting late and Sister Minton and I didn't know where to go. Our appointments had fallen through and we had tried all of our back ups. It was around 8pm and we still had an hour before we had to be home. It was dark and cold and I really just wanted to go home and do book work. We decided to pray for the Lord to help us know what to do. We both decided to go down the street and knock on the doors with lights on. No one answered. We got on our bikes and rode around trying to find people that we could talk to. With no luck we decided to head home for the night. As we approached a stop sign at an intersection. I saw a figure of a man sitting near the side of the road. I said to my companion, "Let's go talk to that guy!". We went and pulled up to him on our bikes. We asked how he was doing and then we introduced ourselves. He said his name was Wayne and he was born and raised here in Fallon. After talking with him for a while he asked why we were riding bikes in dresses. We explained what we do as missionaries. He said he is Christian but he does not belong to a church. We asked if he would be interested in us coming by his home to share more and he said yes!! He gave us his address and phone number and then we went on our way! That experience was so cool because God placed us exactly where we needed to be! Wayne actually lives in the Elders area so we will definitly have to keep in touch to see how his first lesson goes! 

Sister Minton and I went to a home of a less active member and we found Collin who is not a member. He said that the person we were looking for doesn't live there anymore. We talked to him for a while about Fallon. He said he just moved from California and loves it here. He is not religious but said we could come back! 

So our goal this week is to talk to EVERYONE! As we were riding our bikes to a lesson we passed by a lady. But fear got the best of me and I didn't talk to her..I felt so bad so I said I am going to talk to the next person for sure!! I saw a guy sitting in front of a building so we rode over to talk to him. His name is Ian and he is homeless. He has dreadlocks. I was kinda scared to talk to him. we asked him if he could use a message about Jesus. He said said not really. We asked him a bunch of questions just trying to get to know him. He told us his whole life story of how he became homeless. As he was talking I felt my heart break for him. He has gone through a lot! We bore our testimonies of how this gospel can change lives. He thanked us for stopping to talk to him. We gave him a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and a Book of Mormon!! We told him we were sorry didn't have food or money to give him but that the book of mormon would give him more happiness than anything else in the world. I was so happy after talking to Ian. And I made a promise to myself that I will never pass up another opportunity to talk to someone! 

We had another awesome lesson with Jimmy! He asked us more questions concerning the Prophet. He still has a hard time believing that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. We decided to go back to lesson 1 and teach him the Restoration again. We encouraged him to pray and ask God If Joseph smith is a prophet of God. He then asked us why God gives us trials. He said that he feels like God is punishing him for the sins that he has made. We were able to turn to the Book of Mormon and read one of my favorite scriptures, Alma 38:5, If you put your trust in God, he will deliver us out of whatever trial we are going through. He really loved that and he said that scripture made his day! But Jimmy is still doing so good! 

Well this week has been good! I love this gospel so much! This week I have learned more about the power of prayer! God really does love us and answers our prayers! I am so excited for this upcoming week and the chance we will have to hear from our prophet and apostles! I have been reading the Living Christ every day in preparation for celebrating Easter! I hope you all have a Great week! and a Happy Easter!!

Sister Tupuola :)

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