Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #26

by - March 05, 2018

Hello Family! Happy Monday! 

We got our transfer calls last night and my new companion will be Sister Minton who is currently serving in Ely! Sister Kitchen will fly back to Temple Square on Wednesday. :( its been a good transfer. I learned a lot from Sister Kitchen and I'm excited to get to learn from Sister Minton! 

This last week with Sister Kitchen has been awesome! We biked a total of 45 miles. Mind the fact we got lost in the middle of no where on our bikes! But it was pretty fun! We forgot to bring our maps so we just said a prayer and let the Holy Spirit guide. We were able to see many miracles. Sister Kitchen really needed to use the bathroom but there was no houses nearby. We prayed that we would find a house to use the bathroom. After biking a couple miles, we found a house! We knocked and a woman answered. Her name is Kira and she is a young mother of 3 little kids. Her husband is in the Navy and is stationed here in Fallon. She was really nice and let us use her restroom. Kira has crosses all over her home. She said she is a strong Christian who loves Jesus. That opened up an opportunity for me to bare my testimony about Jesus Christ. We talked to her about who we were and how we help people come even closer to Jesus Christ. She said the Mormon religion isn't for her but we were able to leave her with our information. She said it was good to visit with us because she hardly gets visits. We hope to bike back out there to visit with her again!! 

Jimmy D
Jimmy is doing sooo good! He came with us to church again this week! He wants to get baptized so bad! The Elders in the Fallon 4th ward had a baptism and we were able to bring Jimmy to it. He thought it was interesting. He said he enjoyed it a lot and felt the spirit. He also came with us to the Why I Believe fireside where some of the recent converts and investigators in the area share their testimonies of how they came to know and believe in the gospel. It was a really good fireside! Jimmy loved it! He loves this gospel and he knows its true. He is still reading in the Book of Mormon and praying everyday! 

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