Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #70

by - January 14, 2019

Hello Family! 
So it's coming down to the last few weeks before I head back home. I can't tell you how overwhelmed I've been feeling as I've gone through my mission journals from the past 17 months. So much has happened! And there is so much I've been taught! This month so far has been quite a challenge. I am physically exhausted and it's hard for me to stay awake in my studies. I can feel Satan trying to interfere. So I have been praying more. I came across some scriptures that have helped me a lot. It's in Doctrine and Covenants 10:4-5 and it says, "Do not run faster or labor more that you have strength...But be diligent unto the end. Pray always, that you may come off conqueror: yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work. I love these verses and I have gained more of a testimony of the power of prayer. ITS REAL! I have never prayed so much! I've been able to see the Lord give me strength! I was also able to receive a Priesthood blessing which has helped me tremendously! I feel motivated to finish out strong!! 

This week was great!! Our mission is doing a 40 day fast. Each week we are fasting from something specific. This week, we fasted from all music and audio and it was a huge struggle for me but I've been able to see so many miracles! I have been more in tune with the spirit! Its crazy!  Next week we will all be fasting from sweets. Our goal for this fast is for every companionship to get a baptism by the end of the transfer. 

We didn't have a dinner so we decided to go to Taco bell near our apartment. and it was truly inspired for us to go there! We were ordering when the employee then asked if he could have a Book of Mormon! So we gave him one! 

We were walking when we saw Bill in his garage. So we went up and started talking to him. He is an older man in his 80s. We ended up teaching him some of our basic beliefs. He then told us that he read in the bible once that God will give us a mansion in heaven, and then he started to explain how he doesn't care to go to heaven because he doesn't want to have to clean his mansion lol it was really funny. He said he'd rather have a farm instead. He was quite a character. He wasn't interested in learning more but we had a great conversation about life after death. I seriously love the different people I come across. haha 

Sister Denning and I biked for the first time in this area! And it was a lot of fun! The hills were killer but we talked to a few people! 

Nonda and Blakely!
Nonda and Blakely came to church again this week! It was great! they very much enjoyed relief society! Blakely's daughter, Sallye who is 12 came and we went to class with her so she wasn't alone. They plan to continue coming to church!! YAY!! 

So Haley is a 17 year old girl who was baptized a year ago. After her baptism she stopped coming to church and got into some anti mormon literature stuff. She had told the bishop that she doesn't want to come back but then yesterday She came to church!!!! We were able to talk with her and go with her to class. She was really shy but opened up to us. We talked about anime and now shes open to us coming to her home to teach her more of the gospel!!!!! 

 Book of Mormon studies
 Tocobell with Sister Denning
Reading by Demonte Ranch pond
Demonte Ranch

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