Letter #10 from Cousin Kalae in Prison

by - July 12, 2004

He finally got my letter which I was hoping that he got it. He was trying to be funny when he said who was writing to him. I thought to myself when I read that part of his letter, fool who else is going to write to you?!? hehehe But he was joking with me as always. He going to send me another one of his drawings. Which I'm very excited for. Now in this letter he wants me to find him a pen pal. Ugh come on cuz, I'm so anti social right now and I can't help you in that area! Again, i'll pray for you in that department. He lifting weights so that he can be buff and strong looking and not look like his Dad!?! hahaahhahahaah that was sooooooo funny I couldn't stop laughing. You got jokes cuz!! Anyways, got to go now. Until next time...

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