Letter #9 from Cousin Kalae in Prison

by - July 05, 2004

Wow! He just got out of the shu hoe that he had to stay in a more tight cell for about 1 1/2 weeks. I guess he screwed up on something. Now he loss his job that he was making 12 cent and hour. How sucky is that. Poor thing, i wish him the best of luck. He finally talked to my mom this past week and she was worried about him because she would always get a call from him every week. But now that he's out of the hoe he called to let her know he was ok. I know that my mom gave him an ear full for worrying her. In his letter he asked if Mika is treating me ok. It made me smirk for a moment because I know if he hears anything negative about Mika from my family, he would do something. Well thats what he said. Since he thinks he's the bad cousin in the family. I've told him that there are more worst cousins in our family that he hast met yet. Kalae got a new cell mate and new room to stay until the next change. He said that this room mate is cool and not drama. That's nice to know. Other than that things are ok, he seems worried about me and my well being. I'm glad to know that I have another over protective cousin in my life. i wished I got this letter sooner than later. Well until next time...

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