Elder Grant Wolfgramm Email #25

by - May 28, 2017

Dear Everyone, Hello hello well first off I hope that everyone has had a pleasant week so far! Things have been going good here in Yap we continue to work and work so that we can help all those prepared people come unto the waters of baptism! And I am super excited for the chance to be in the mist of this great work! Something that my companion and I have been doing is we are really trying to help all our current investigators get rid addictions and replacing them with better things! But yeah it definitely isn't easy some of these people are just so used to doing it that it is pretty hard to up and change... But I know that God loves these people and that he will make the way for them! Like in 1 Nephi 3:7 haha but yeah things are going well. I feel that we have a really awesome investigator named Bailey and he is a man from the outer islands of Chuuk so he speaks Chuukese and though I sometimes don't always completely understand what he is saying I have an awesome companion that is helping me with that! But he is super good and we hope to help him to be baptized and confirmed so that he can enter into the strait and narrow path that leads to eternal life! But yeah that's about it for me this week! My love to all of you!
Ofa Atu and Gangiuu I gashangigami, Elder Wolfgramm

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