My email to Sister Atuaia and her response back...too funny!

by - June 18, 2024

Sent on Friday, June 14, 2024

 Dearest Alema,

I am filled with such joy reading your emails. Today was the first time reading both last week and this week email. I had company over, namely Natalia and Faith. It was nice having them over, you know, just simply chilling and having a time of our lives laughing for hours. Natalia has been raving to Faith about her visit with Mika and I that when we went to Anzehla's baby Blessing last week, she came to me and asked if her and Faith could hang out with us. You know me, I couldn't pass this opportunity to have these special spirits visit our home. So they stay with us this week enjoying eating a lot and relaxing without babysitting duties.🤣 They are both doing good and did not want to go home last night. When they got home, it was hot like Satan but74ole😂😅. Their AC broke when they came to our place on Sunday and so the whole family has been dying with heat. Talia told me she wish her and faith stayed at our place for one more day. I was like, no worries Talia it will be fix soon. Even faith was sad and bummed out to be in a hot house. Bad enough she witnessed a bad spirit closing one of the doors by the kitchen. She totally freaked out about it and recorded it to show us. I was like, oh hell naw!?! But she's fine now, Mika gave her a blessing and cast out those spookiest out of her room and house.

Anyways, it sounds like you are loving your mission. Learning and growing through the Holy Spirit is a great step in your conversion. You are slowly glowing even brighter in the Light of Christ that it's so beautiful. Keep striving to do and be better daily. It's a learning curve and a wonderful tool to help you become a fantastic missionary in the Lord's work. Mika and I couldn't be more happy and proud of you, Lema. Pray fervently everywhere you go and anything you do. God will hear your plea and bless you with whatever you stand in need of. You are amazing for being a great example of diligence and humility during your training.  Keep up the good work. Well I know you have much to do and I will keep it short until the next email. I love you, Alema, and I'm so glad that you love your mission so far. Also, the love you are strengthening in Christ is fantastic to hear about in your emails. I am happy to know you truly loving and learning in the gospel. Please take care and be safe.

With much love and support.
Aunty Jay

Alema's response this morning:

Aunty Jay,

Thanks so much for your email. I was cracking up about the heat in Aunty Jenny and them's house. LOL. But I'm so glad Faith and Talia have been hanging out with yall. The spooky experience Faith had... YEAH NO. ISSA NO FOR ME. The devil is annoying 😑 and his followers too. But good thing we on the winning side, period. TEAM JESUS CHRIST 🙌  It's always fun hanging at your house and I know those two feel the same and you'll probably have them over many more times and laugh the night away, I love it!! ❤️  Also, I hope Talia's missionary application is going along well. She would be the best missionary!!!

Anyways, love you always aunty! Thank you for your wisdom and love throughout all these years. You are the best, the greatest, the sexiest OKAYYY 😉😂😍 Keep updating me with Talia's mission process if you can and know that I love yall!! This gospel is true, this church is true, and the Lord is so good because I've seen the growth, the change, and the desire to become more like him strengthen within me, EVERY DAY!! :)

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