Mika's email to Sister Atuaia and her response back to him

by - June 18, 2024

 Mika sent this email on Thursday, June 13, 2024

OMG!! I loved reading all of your experiences. I just couldn't stop smiling and seeing your growth in the gospel but also in the spirit. Just hearing about your experiences so far have confirmed to me that you were definitely preserved and reserved by the Lord to serve in that specific part of the vineyard. What a blessing it is to see you grow spiritually and to hear your love for the savior, our heavenly father and his work. Remember to breathe and take it all in. Live every experience with your whole heart and serve him to your fullest capacity leaving everything on the table. He will bless all of your footsteps and efforts. I know you probably get so many emails so I'll keep it short. Me and Aunty Jay miss you and we are with you in spirit!!! Represent him well!!

 Love you. Uncle Mika.

Alema's response back:

Thank you so much Unko for your email and words of wisdom. I'm definitely trying to soak it all in. I'm like very sad my time at the MTC will be done this week because I was lowkey hating it at first because of how much i was being oushed out of my comfort zone, but now I love it lol. It's been a journey and I'm only getting started. But anyways, love you and Aunty Jay plenty!!! Thanks for all you do for me and the fam ❤️

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