I felt like doing a session at the Temple

by - June 27, 2024

There has been a lot on my mind. From daily life, family, calling and mental struggles. So I picked up a shift for another ordinance worker who was sick and couldn't make it today. So when I arri Ed they didn't needed me and had the sick sister post covered. So I took the opportunity to do Initiatories. It was nice and peaceful for me. I felt peace but still my mind was going a million miles per hour in thoughts. As I got home, my sister called me trying to get help from my brother, but he wasn't picking up. So I went to her and help her. When I arrived, she had it done but needed to go to the store. We went to Walmart and she got a few things she needed and we took her home. I'm glad to have done a simple service for my sister I don't see often. So it was a tender merice from God unto me. When I got home, I felt the need to give my brother Henry some cans of wahoo from dad. That's when I brought some to him and chit chatted with him and shela for about a good 1 hour. After my visit I felt that the Lord wanted me to always be available to be of service to my family and others. Thank you Lord for always keeping me on my toes and bring humility in my life. Now I'm chilling and reflecting important things that I need to organize in my life to be a benefit for myself and others. Well I'm going to sleep and premyself to work tomorrow in the house of the Lord. Best way to end the night by recapping what my day has gone and bettering myself daily. Sleep well everyone.

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