Sister Alema Atuaia email: Last Week in South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦

by - June 18, 2024

 Y'all it's bittersweet this week,

LOL. I'm sad my time at the MTC is coming to an end. I was low-key hating it at first because of how uncomfortable I was to be pushed so far out of my comfort zone, but now I love it. ❤️ I was with such a good group of missionaries here.

Teaching and roleplay scenarios are what we have been doing the most, since this Friday all of us will be traveling to our missions and out in the field. THAT'S BRAZY to me. I don't feel ready and I don't think I'll ever feel ready, but I feel like I just need to be out there. So, HEAWIKO LOL. 

To keep things short, I bear witness that this church is the true church on this Earth today. Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and restored His gospel and church in these Latter-Days. I know that Heavenly Father loves and knows us each individually. I know Jesus Christ is His beloved son who paid the ultimate price for all of us that we will never be able to repay. He loves us that much. Through everything I lack and fall short on, I know the Lord is mindful of us and never leaves us even when we have left Him. I know the Holy Ghost is vital in our every day life. He is our best comfortor and teacher. If we strive to be worthy of, and always have the Holy Ghost be with us, I know that every day will be a GOOD day! I know the Book of Mormon is true and if we read the scriptures everyday, we will come closer to and understand more, the love God has for us. Don't slack on anything when it comes to God. Make Him, His words, and His work the number one priority in your life and I promise you that everything going on in your life will be better than it ever was. Keep things simple and strive to be 1% better than you were the day before. Always remember the things that matter most in this life and ask yourself, "will this matter in a thousand years?" If not, get rid of it. I know what I have written is true. And I love you all!! HURRAH FOR ISRAEL ESKEDITT 🀟🏼

Fun moments so far:
-One of my African teachers, yesterday, woke up and must've chose violence because his comments had me rolling. We had a combined workshop with all the other districts and he was the teacher leading out the lesson. There were so many empty seats in the front, but all the Elders kept going to the back row. He asked them, "Elders, why are you going to the back?" They were like, "Because it's more comfortable back here." And the teacher replied, "I hope you guys take that attitude down with you to hell." AHAHA I lost it and was dying and everyone else who heard it was dying too 🀣🀣🀣 I'm telling you the Africans have no chill and that's why I love them.

-One of the pictures I have is with Elder Bale (from Joburg, South Africa) & Elder Chikore (from Zimbabwe). These two literally always cracking me up bruh. They are a companionship but I always be seeing one without the other. Even the teachers are like, "Aye where is your companion?" And then they be running around the MTC looking for each other ahaha. They some real homies for sure. 

-I don't have a picture with him, but imma get one before I leave. But there's an Elder Mensah from Ghana, and he's always coming up to me saying, "Sister Atuaia, they not like us." πŸ’€πŸ€£ And then he proceeds to keep singing Kung Fu Kenny's song. That's how I knew Elder Mensah was my HOMIE HOMIE hahaha. Now he always be doing the handshake (Africans got their own kind of handshake lol) with me and saying, "Sister Atuaia you one of us now." LOL I found my people yall. 

-We went to the Joburg temple again last week and did Baptisms, Sealings, and Initiatories. We did baptisms twice, which was crazy for me because I haven't done that ordinance in a fat minute. It's an experience I ain't ever gonna forget and lemme tell you why. The first time we went, Elder Chikore was baptizing us and that man almost didn't pull me out the water and I told him, bruh you almost had me become one of the dead. And he said, "My sister, why are you complaining? You're still alive yeah?" πŸ˜‘πŸ€£ and then the second time we did baptisms, it was Elder Williams from Utah who baptized us and that man LITERALLY almost unalived me. I almost died twice. He don't look strong, but that palagi Elder is strong and pretty much slammed me into the water that everyone who was waiting along with all the ordinance workers, stood up because it was so loud when he put me in the water and to check if I was good bruh. I swear I was in heaven for like 3 seconds until he brought me back up. I kept thinking to myself, "you know, I came here to do baptisms for the dead. I ain't trying to join them right now. Yall need to calm down." πŸ’€πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

-We were eating dinner and it was after all of us had to teach the teachers in a roleplay scenario with our companions. I was talking with some of the Elders and Elder Chikore sat next to me. I asked him how his roleplay scenarios went and he said, "It was hell, my sister" 🀣 Ahaha you know. Sometimes it be like that especially when we don't feel ready. But we live, learn and move on.

-Our district tried to take a picture with one of our Elders Polaroid camera AHAHAHA but it was night time and the lighting wasn't good and the African Elders were like "NAH WE GOT TO TAKE IT AGAIN. YOU CANT EVEN SEE US" I was deceased for the rest of the night πŸ˜… I love my district so much. Also, I love how they say "proper" with their accents and when explaining things. For example, when we eat and the food portions are small they be saying, "what is this? This ain't a proper meal." πŸ’€

-Shoutout to Sister Nuamah for getting me right with my hair. She always be braiding it when I ask her and always tells me, "I hope you have plenty African companions that can do this for you." πŸ˜‚ You and me both sis. Also on our drive to the temple, they had a Moana mural. Yall see? They love us Polys out here LOL

-I told some Elders that I'm Samoan when they ask me and a lot of the Africans are very familiar with WWE so when I say the Rock, they start trying to dance like the haka BRUH πŸ’€πŸ€£ and then I be telling them to stop because they're waking up my ancestors when they do that and they start laughing LOL.

Anyways love you all. Apparently imma have to teach one of the African Elders how to Cheehoo AHAHA. His name is Elder Bhembe and he got the quietest voice ever so we finna change that real quick lol. I'll let yall know how that goes. And apparently I'm playing soccer today? Yeah rip to me. Okay bye bye. πŸ‘‹ 

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