Elder Maikeli Wolfgramm email: HA'APAI 🏝😍

by - June 16, 2024

 Malolelei famili ofeina. Oku ou ʻa hake he pongipongi ni ʻo fiefia ke tohi kimoutolu! 

Welp I did not think I'd wake up in a complete different place a week ago but here I am!! Tuesday night me and my comp get a call that I would be getting on a plane from Eua to Tonga and then from Tonga to Vava'u or so I was told. I was a bit shocked but mostly excited. I get to Tonga (on a small 7 miniute Plane ride lol) and nobody is there at the airport... apparently I was supposed to be getting on a plane to Ha'apai as soon as I landed.The next soonest flight was Thursday morning.  So one of the  mission couples ended up picking me up which was nice because they treated me to a nice burger from town haha missed that food!  Afterwards we went to  the office which was nice cause I got to speak to President where he told me I'd be going to Uiha Ha'apai a very small outer island  and I would be training there. The next morning I somehow barely make it on the flight even though we arrived to the airport super late. It was about a 40 min plane ride over to the main island in Ha'apai. That whole plane ride over was so peaceful and beautiful I for some reason could feel my ancestors strong on the other side as I was over looking the ocean and islands. I show up and meet my new comp Elder Aiono from Utah! There was no small boat leaving Thursday so we had to wait a day in Pangai Ha'apai. We get up Friday morning and there was the branch president from Uiha going back there so we went with him. Definitely a once and a lifetime experience taking a small boat over to another island where you'll be serving!! We show up to Uiha and we had to jump almost waste deep into the water just to carry our bags out. I see this small village and am thinking man this is paradise I'm so blessed to work here. Here in Uiha there is two villages Uiha and then Felemea on the other side of the island about a mile apart! So there is a ward in Uiha and a branch in Felemea. We ended up going around Uiha the first day and Felemea the second day. I gotta be honest Felemea has some of the most prettiest beaches I've ever seen and the chapel there is literally right on the ocean. The whole time I'm thinking life does not feel real right now. As we were walking around Felemea we meet this woman who asked me if I'm related to Iohani and Salote Wolfgramm. I go yes those I my great grandparents. She then says: Oh really because Salote is from Felemea... I was so shocked and almost started to tear up because I knew this place had some significance. I knew my grandma Salote was from Ha'apai but wasn't sure where because there are a lot of Islands here. What are the odds I'd be serving on the one she is from!!! I know that is no coincidence at all. The Lord sent me here for a reason. I am so blessed and grateful everyday for this opportunity. Family and friends I testify to you all, with everyone bone in my body that this THIS GOSPEL is Jesus Christ gospel here on earth!!!! I did not come out here to waste two years of my life. My purpose is to share, invite, and teach others the truth. Ofa atu kamotolu mau pe!!! 

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