Sister Alema Atuaia email: Fighting For My Life 🙏🏽🤣

by - June 24, 2024


Ya girl has been in Zambia for 3 full days now ahaha. 🇿🇲 and LEMME TELL YOU SUMN... I have never said "fighting for my life" so many times than these past 3 days.🤣 Let me tell you why... My stomach hates me. R.I.P. to me lol. Pray and fast for my stomach y'all. Thank you ahaha. Enough said. Moving on...

Anyways, Zambia is nice! The people are so sweet and beautiful. It's funny because they don't have a hard time pronouncing my name, but for Sister Ogden and Sister Satterfield, they be struggling LOL. 😂 They always call those two a word in their language that means "white" but they don't call me that AHAHA eskedittt. I'm so glad I came here with those two. They have me laughing all the time. Also, the Sister Training Leaders we've been staying with, took us out on Saturday (mind you we flew in on Friday) and we was out and about contacting people from early in the morning till around 7/8pm. My first day out was nerve wracking but powerful. This is where my COOL EXPERIENCE COMES IN... We were out walking and talking to anybody and everybody lol, one older guy actually came up to me so I greeted him, shared a scripture from the Book of Mormon, we talked about it, and then I invited him to come to church the next day. He said he would. And then Sunday came, and he actually showed up.😭 He stayed for the whole two hours. Then we even had some baptisms that day and he stayed and witnessed the baptisms and confirmations. He really liked it because he was talking to all the members and then got all the missionaries numbers to start lessons.🥹 Y'ALL I was so happy he came. I got to greet him at church and then before he left I got to say goodbye and shake his hand letting him know I was so glad he came. He had the biggest smile on his face.😭 The church is true man, and the spirit was strong with him. I hope he continues with the lessons and maybe sometime throughout my mission I'll run into him again. 🙏🏽 

SO, I got my first transfer on Saturday night when we got back to our flat. I'll be in the Libala area and my companion/trainer will be Sister Katoa! She's from Cali and that's all I know right now LOL. So I'm excited to learn from her. Especially right now because I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing ahaha.

Anyways that's pretty much all I got right now. It's a lot to take in, but I'm willing to do what I need to do. The Lord is so good even when I feel numb to the Spirit. I've been humbled so much already and I can't wait to be humbled even more. I am in a place with a people who are all so humble. I know I have been called to Zambia for a reason and I'm so grateful for the short few days I've been here. I have a lot to learn, but I can't wait. It's all overwhelming, yet very fun so far. Love you all!! ❤️ Yeah fa. 

Funny moments:

-The little kids like touching my hair lol. And they're not afraid to just come up to you, hug you, hold your hand, etc. 😂🥹 Also, the kids here are funny. I told them if they taught me a dance, I'd give the first three candy, and they all started dancing ahaha.

-I was eating cookies, couldn't finish them so I gave them to a little boy who I thought was a kid, yeah no. He was 15. So he winked at me and thought I liked him. MY LITTLE BRUDDA IN CHRIST, I THOUGHT YOU WERE LIKE 7 YEARS OLD OKAYYY. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣

-I always tell people I'm from Samoa now because when I tell them Utah they still ask me where I am from.😂 Even though I'm both Samoan and Tongan, I could say Tonga but they got their own people from Tonga here, as Tonga is one of the tribes they have here? Something like that. I'm still learning ahaha.

-The people here look like they mean mugging you until you talk to them then they smile and are so nice. 😂😁 Y'all they just like me ahaha.

-They say, "Muli Bwanji" here as a greeting. I been saying it, but the Muli part took me out for a minute cuz iykyk 😂 now I'm used to it.

-The Sister Training Leader, STL, we went contacting with told us that we'd get flirted at and catcalled a lot as sisters. 💀 Aye, that BOOSTED MY CONFIDENCE in knowing that these guys who do that, are liars because since the day we got here we been fighting for our lives trying to look decent. So these men either are blind or got cataracts, one of those two. Who knows🤷🏽‍♀️🤣

-Lastly, I think I lost weight AYEEEE ESKEDIT. Not only because my stomach is having World War 3 on the daily (it might be the Malaria pills i gotta take everyday ahaha 😂), but I can't eat as much as I used to like FRFR... That might change who knows.

-Driving here? Can't be me yall. I would not trust myself on these roads cuz people be walking whenever they want ahaha. Also, we got to ride one of the many public bus/taxis they got here and lemme tell you, THE MUSIC WAS A WHOLE VIBE 🔥 They had that thing blasting and I was like AYEEEE, THIS IS MY KIND OF RIDE.🤣

-The group I was with at the MTC have me dying every time with their stories they share with us. I put one of their messages, here on this email AHAHA. I miss them and the MTC. It was a good time there, but I'm glad I'm in Zambia now. 🙏🏽

District 2 at the South Africa MTC. Love my District ❤️ They saw me cry ugly so many times AHAHA.

Elder Kent from South Africa, but serving in England. My homie bruh, he was always killing me with his stories and jokes 🤣

🤣 President Moyo (Mission President) telling us he's sending us the transfers during the Zone meeting we had in our flat with no electricity. That's why it's dark bruh lol.

I cooked in the dark with no electricity for Sister Ogden and Sister Satterfield when our STLs ditched us. BOY WE HAD A TIME LOL

One of the MTC homies sharing his experience in the field so far AHAHAHA 🤣

Me & Sister Satterfield waiting for our flight to Lusaka in the South Africa Airport. Cool that we were companions in the MTC and we still together right now LOL.

The STLs ditched us again and now we at the mission office until sports happen today for Pday. I'm ready because they say they play a lot of volleyball here so HEAWIKO. This is my sport ahahaha😂 But if I suck today, it's cause I'm out of shape.💀

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