Surprised visit from President Dallin H. Oaks of the first presidency of the church at our ward

by - June 30, 2024


President Oaks visited our ward this morning. The spirit of the room was different then usual and I couldn't explain why. I did not noticed him up at the podium until I sat down. I was totally shocked and so happy to have a second experience in a current ward I was in that he had a surprise visit. The last time this happened to me was when I was at the Southgate ward and I was just starting to bare my testimony and he walked in. Boy was I nervous but after I was done he wanted to shake my had and he thanked me for my testimony. Now a few years later he visited my current ward, the Midvale 14th ward and share his thought about the temple and streour relationship with God. He also came to our 2nd hour class and share his thoughts about the importance of serving other with love and support each other in God work. The coolest thing about this moment t is that we had Jerina and Evelina with us and to experience meeting an Apostle of the Lord. It's rare to have a general authority visit our ward personally and I am glad to be witness it in my life. Blessed beyond compare.

Sitting behind President Oaks...way cool

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