Sister Alema Atuaia Missionary Email #1: SOUTH AFRICA MTC πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦

by - June 05, 2024


My bruddahz and sisterz in Christ, WHAT IT DO Y'ALL 🀣, 

I made it to South Africa, home country of Tyla IYKYK because I've been trying so hard not to randomly sing her songs ahaha. Also, I'm not going to lie, all my emails are going to be as short as I can make them because when I get emails that are long... I don't read them. LOL, watch this email be long SMH.

Just know this, I'm like one of the oldest missionaries here. I like being the OG. The African missionaries made fun of me because we got chicken wings for lunch today, but I gave them to Sister Nuamah because IYKYK. There's only four of us sister missionaries here and I'm still the oldest lol. Sister Nuamah is from Ghana πŸ‡¬πŸ‡­ and will be serving in Cape Verde, Portuguese speaking. And then there's me, Sister Satterfield (my companion) from Pocatello, Idaho, and Sister Ogden from Northern Utah. Us three will be serving in Zambia Lusaka πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡². They are all younger than me but have all the qualities and abilities I lack, especially my companion Sister Satterfield, so I know the Lord knew what he was doing when He put us all together. They're such good examples to me and I love them so much!! πŸ’— I am way out of my comfort zone, but I feel the Lord's love for me daily and it helps me through the hard times. I don't care what anyone says, a mission is HARD and ya girl has only been here 5 days LOL. However, I now I'm where I'm supposed to be and I'm here to do work. I've never felt the spirit so strongly even though I feel like I'm so unprepared and have no idea what I'm doing. But I'm willing to do what's right and this is right. I also have learned, on a much deeper level, that I need to forget myself. It ain't about me. Even though I've had that "Forget yourself and get to work" mindset, I NEVER forget the people or places I come from. My ancestors have helped me a lot while being here and I'm glad I ain't alone. I love the Lord, this Gospel, and know I will be stretched and grown into the best version of myself by being here. I can see differences in myself already.

Some fun interactions I've had so far:

- Sister Nuamah said I look like Moana because of my hair and my tattoos. πŸ˜„ PERIODT LOL.

- Some of the South African Elders asked where I was from and I said Utah and then they repeated the question. Then I realized they were asking about my island heritage yahurr. So I said Samoa and Tonga and they were like, "
oh SAMOA! Like The Rock, Roman Reigns, Uso Brothers" πŸ˜‚ so don't trip yall, the South Africans know a Lil bit bout us Polys.

- One of the South African Elders, Elder Nylibilima, made us herbal tea they drink here and it was bomb. I don't even know if this is how it's spelled lol but it's called like Rhoiboss Tea or sumn like that. Lol

- Any South Africa mission is only for Elders because it's not safe for Sisters to serve here, but the country and people are beautiful and the food is good. The kitchen staff be putting their foot in. The food is bomb and I'm always full. But the African and Filipino Elders here say that the portions are too small and are snack size portions 🀣 BRUDDA SIT DOWN AND EAT THE FOOD. Humble yo self lol.

-I'm the only Polynesian missionary here but the front desk receptionist said I looked islander and knows our people because from time to time a lot of them come through this MTC. And the last elder she remembered was, Elder Taulapapa. It's a small world yall lol. So Bristy, if you read this, you can let Wayne and them know that they still know their little brother from when he was here at the South Africa MTC. 🀟🏼

-We watched the Joseph Smith Restoration movie that the church always shows and there's a part where Joseph kisses Emma and all the Elders, especially the African ones, started cheering and yelling loud and were shouting "The Chuch is true", "Exaltation", etc. And us sister missionaries were dying. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

- Our MTC President let us know we'll be going to the South Africa temple this week and next week so I'm excited for that because we got our temple clothes today! 😊 

-It's winter here in South Africa but us Utahns ain't phased lol. It feels nice. But one Filipino Elder was freezing outside because we have to wash our dishes outside after we eat, and he said "Now I know how the pioneers felt" πŸ˜‚ My brother, uhhh no lol. Not even close.

-I got my rabies shot today so yay. LOL and we had a power outage during dinner. Apparently, those are common here.

-Africans have the best way of speaking and praying. I love it! They're so eloquent and low-key poetic with what they say but especially how they say it. Sister Nuamah told an Elder who was too loud around her to, "can you please minimize your voice around me?"πŸ˜‚ I died lol.

Anyways, love you all. Especially my mom and dad... my siblings too i guess LOL. Here's some pictures of my time here in South Africa. πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Yeah fa.

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