Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #19

by - January 15, 2018

Hello Everyone! Its been quite a week! ! I don't know how to explain it so I copied and pasted my companions email that she wrote to her family and put it here. lol So here it is..

"I hope you have had a great week! Ours was a bit out of the ordinary. As a companionship last Thursday during our weekly planning we decided that we wanted to set the goal of being more positive. It's not that weren't being positive, we just thought that we could do better. Well, Satan happened to get the memo. We did our best and stayed as positive as we could. 

You all saw the beginning of the whole story when our phone broke last week. That was quite the bummer. A few things went down during church on Sunday but we won't go into that. I think that the new Relief Society/Preisthood curriculum will get better as time goes on and we all get used to it. The first big thing this week happened on Monday night. Actually all of monday was a little bit of a drag. Just one bad thing here, another there but it all kind of exploded when we stopped by Marlene's that night. Every other time we stopped by unannounced she was fine. That was one of the only ways we could see her and she always welcomed us in warmly. Well this particular night when we knocked on the door she yelled in a rather scary tone "Who is it?". We said "It's the Sisters!" She then yelled again "Who?" and again very politely we gave the same response. She walked closer to the door and she said "WHO IS IT?" We gave the same response in the same tone of voice. She proceeded to open the door and loose her cool. I will spare you the details but lets just say that it was not pretty and we left feeling like..... well..... not so great. Our hearts just broke. She was so angry and we didn't know what to do or how to react. The next morning we decided to text her and apologize for stopping in unannounced and tell her that we did not mean to offend her in anyway. She responded to that by calling us and again not saying the nicest things, specifically pointing fingers at me and putting words in my mouth. We were heartbroken and are still trying to decide what to do. 

Tuesday morning at district meeting we were informed that our district leader was sent home for a concussion that occurred 5 weeks ago. He relapsed really badly and was having difficulty even staying conscious and making any sense. His companion said it was pretty scary to watch but we are glad that he is at home recovering. Elder Anderson is a great missionary and he was already talking about coming back once he recovers I guess. His companion said that his last words (mind you he was not in his right frame of mind) were "Sister Merrick is saying the closing prayer at district meeting!" Haha We all had a good laugh at that but I did say the closing prayer. 

Wednesday we had another phone adventure. We got through inputting half of our contacts into our new phone and I managed to drop it in a glass of water. The screen went white and we thought for sure I had killed the second phone. But thankfully with lots of prayer and some rice. It turned back on and is still working today. 

The rest of the week was just one of those weeks where we knock on every door that we wrote in our planner and I think we had one person open the door and say that they were not interested.

BUT ENOUGH OF THE BAD!!! We were still positive this week! here is a list of the good to compensate for those bads. 

#1- We had a member give us these really cool blocks with our names on them that their daughter made for us. They are super cool!
#2- Sister Robinson made us homemade curly fried that were really good. 
#3- Monday was mail day so when we dropped the mail off to the Bailey's Sister bailey could just tell that we had been crying and we told her what happened with Marlene and she just hugged us and Brother Bailey said a really cool prayer that brought us a lot of comfort and help us through that night and the next morning. 
#4- Elder Douglas just laughed and said "Sisters, This phone says you are in St.George. That's a little out of your area. Do I need to tell President?" When we called from a members phone about breaking the second phone. 
#5- We stopped by one of our members houses right when she was doing activity days by accident and those girls were so excited. It was really cute! 
#6- Sister Tupuola's family sent me a monkey which we affectionately named "Mr.Shag Nasty" Inside joke. Not telling. Haha
#7- We were able to get the entire ward list put in our phone! 
#8- Our Sunday was so busy and so rewarding! It was great
#9- The weather has been gorgeous these last few days and there have been times we went out walking with no jackets. 

Anyways, that was our crazy week. I could go on for a long time but I won't. Haha It's had it's ups and downs but we got through it and we are stronger because of it. I love this work and I love this gospel and I love you all! Talk to you next week!"

I testify to the words of my companion. Amen! Have a good week!

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