Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #20

by - January 22, 2018

Hello! Its a BEAUTIFUL snowy day here in Spring Creek!

I have been called to a NEW AREA!! 

I will now be transferred to a BIKING AREA!  and will be serving in the FALLON 2ND WARD!! 

I am sooo excited to be serving in Fallon! And I am excited to be in a biking area!!! 

My new companion is Sister Kitchen who is a Temple Square Missionary. She is out on her "Out bound" mission. (Temple Square missionaries get to experience 2 months outside of their mission in neighboring state missions.) I will be with her for a month and then she will head back to Temple Square. 

I will head out to Fallon tomorrow morning! 

I am grateful for the experience that I've had serving here in Spring Creek. I love all of the people that I have met here! I am thankful for the things that I've learned! I can't wait to continue learning in my new area! I know the Lord needs me there! 

But anyways, this last week in Spring Creek was AWESOME! 
Sister Merrick and I gave great talks in Sacrament meeting yesterday about Serving in the Church. And then we gave an awesome lesson during our Sunday School Gospel Principles class! We taught about the Millenium! I learned so much from preparing the lesson. The millenium is something that I look forward to!! 

Heaven BooBoo Perry
Its been a while since we've seen Heaven! But we were able to help her with her homework this week! She is a smart girl but she has a big mouth haha that gets her in trouble at school. But she is doing better! We taught her that its not good to talk back. haha but she is awesome! 

​There was a murder in our area, down the street from our home last week. Our Bishop felt prompted to have us go visit them. He said that because of this tragic event in their lives, they would be open to hearing our message of the Plan of Salvation. We were able to speak to the sister of the woman who was murdered. And she said she would think about having us over to share a message. It was a MIRACLE! We were able to see her heart softened as we spoke to her. We look forward to hearing from her on Friday! 

My future home haha 

​pro picture taking on my bike lol 

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