The Power of Conversation

by - January 01, 2018

Whenever you talk with a person, you would think that expressing yourself to another would be a bad thing but sometimes it can also be good. However you take it, conversation can lead into more good talks or more gossips and drama. But I took the start of the year pretty chill and with no expectations. I had a moment where I actually cared about what the future holds for someone else besides me or my husband. I slowly can see what true, genuine conversation with another person can do for my way of thinking or even my own actions. I've always cared for my family and close loved ones, but not to the point to really invest in them and their livelihood. It surprised me how much closeness and similarities I had with this person that I really want the best for them and their future. To some may think that its a no brainer to help or support someone they know really well or even with family, but with the hours of talking and really getting to know a person, you change inside in a whole different type of way. Now reflecting on what my long conversation did to me, I wonder what it really did for that other person. Did I make a little impact or dent in their lives? Was I overbearing or subtle with my thoughts or opinions? Did I make sense? How do they feel about me and what we talked about? I can wonder and think about what had happen that night/day. But I hope that the Holy Spirit guided me, my guardian angels protected me, the Lord to had been with me to inspire or encourage this individual in their dire need of help or enlightenment. Whatever it may be, I hope for the best and I hope for a more spiritual understanding for myself, my family and others who i'm supposed to influence for the better. Don't take advantage of talking to those who are close to you or even to a friend. You will never know the great impact you will have on their lives.

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