Surprise injury to start the New year!

by - January 02, 2018

Okay this is something I usually don't talk about on my blogs...personal injuries or health issues. For myself I tend to keep it to myself, but for odd reason I felt like talking about it on here to bring awareness to anyone who needs to be cautious of their bodies. You can be healthy skinny or luscious like myself, but when you're not too care about your feet or ankles, it can really do some damage. So after having a relaxing and fun New Years Day with my husband sisters and their families, I notice something odd happening with my ankle and foot. I thought oh i must of twist it slightly the wrong way and it will heal up real quick in a few hours. Well the pain kept getting worst. Minutes turn to hours, than to days of intense pain which lead into me unable to walk. I've always known about how to heal any muscle pains, because my mom would show us how to treat injuries on ourselves and on others. So i massage, iced and elevated my foot to make it get better, but I felt it made it worst. Thats when I went on YouTube to see if I could find a video to help me pin point in depth what my injury is. That's when I notice that I had Achilles tendonitis. This condition causes swelling and a painful, burning sensation behind the ankle about two inches above the heel. The area may also turn red and feel warm to the touch. Without treatment, scar tissue may build up over time and cause palpable bumps along the tendon. Also I have Plantar fasciitis When the plantar fasciitis is stretched too far its soft tissue fibers become inflamed, usually where it attaches to the heel bone. Sometimes the problem may occur in the middle of the foot. The patient experiences pain under the foot, especially after long periods of rest. Some patients have calf-muscle cramps if the Achilles tendon tightens too.
This is just a few information I got online and thought to share it with you all to be aware of how you walk, stand and do things on a daily on your feet. I know what some of you are thinking, why didn't I go to the doctors to get it checked? Well to be honest, I didn't want to waste time, money and effort to see someone to look at my foot and tell me something that I can do at home or that I already know what to do. I also know my body so well when its something I can't do on my own and need real professional help. Everyone one do things differently when it comes to personal health.
Take care of yourselves and make sure to be aware of your body, because if you're not too careful, you will see signs of internal or external neglects that you need to take care of before it gets worst or deadly. I'm doing my best to stay off my feet and doing all that I can so I can walk comfortably again. We shall see how long this is going to last...I hope not too long!

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