A rainy day at the Temple

by - February 02, 2024


It was nice to come back from vacation and work in the House of the Lord. This is what I needed to unwind the mind and spirit. Everything post I had to do today went well and I was filled with great joy. There was a moment when participating in Initiatories, there was a sister who made a comment to me that made me smile. She said, "You must love what you are doing. Your smile tells it all!" I thanked her and said that I do love being in the temple and I truly enjoy my part in God's work. For many years now, I have truly enjoyed working every week at the Jordan River Temple. For members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we do enjoy and love to serve others in whatever way that we can. To some serving in the Temple is one of their greatest joys because we are helping on both sides of the veil, insuring that our loved ones have an opportunity to receive blessing of eternal happiness. Many people out side of the church may not fully understand or accept what we do. But to me I see it as a chance to make a spiritual change for someone who may want to progress spiritually to get closer to God. Wouldn't you want your loved ones to choose to be happy or progress better or to become spiritually enlighten or become one with our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ? I know I would want my family to have a chance and choice to hear or be part of a wonderful blessing. Honestly, I wouldn't want to face God, knowing I had the chance to help a family member or someone I know to receive God's blessing here on earth but then I didn't. Yeah, I don't think I can live with myself or even want to show my face to him. That is why I choose to stay an active member of his restored church. To live my life the best that I can while doing my duties in faith in his son, Jesus Christ. As we continue to live each day in this world, we need to have that balance of worldly and spiritual things. Not saying to sin like crazy and not repenting or being uptight and serve with no care for the individual or people. No. What I mean about balance, is to live your life understanding the importance of God and goodness in your daily task. Also to understand what you have to do to learn of the world and to be aware of how you live your life through it all. Trust me no one is perfect or going to make perfect choices. We all must choose to be smart, understanding, wise, aware, compassionate, forgiving and honest in all that we do. If not, you will notice tougher situations or trials that may break you. Please do not misunderstand me when I say if you don't follow God you are miserable. Oh No! That is not true. What I mean is that we all will go through the ringer, whether we are good or bad. That is inevitable. Our trials are for our learning. Staying close to God, faithfully and humble can bless us more than you may know. Trust me, I have seen it first hand in my life. Its a testimony for me and I can not deny that. So try to make the best of life and try to include the Lord in it. It is worth every ups and downs. Anyways, I hope you have a blessed and safe weekend. And may the Lord bless your life and keep you safe.



about to enter into the temple for my shift...

Being silly...as always

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