Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #65

by - December 03, 2018

Its been yet another great week here in Reno! We have been focusing a lot on Finding! Didn't have much success this week :( But that's okay because there's always more weeks ahead of us! 
We will find someone soon! I can feel it!
Well we actually found a woman named Lupita! Had a great lesson with her and taught her about the Restoration. But then we found out she is not in our area so we had to pass her off to the other sisters. But it was a miracle! After a week of rejections, Lupita came out of no where! She has been very prepared and has a desire to learn more! We are excited for the other sisters to teach her! She is awesome! 

We were having dinner with a member in our ward and they gave us a referral to try their neighbor named David. He is the lead singer for Whitesnake! They told us that he is really nice so we are going to go by and see if he is interested. haha they told us that he has two homes that he switches back and forth in. One in Galena and one up in Tahoe. We really hope to catch him and that he will be receptive! 

Light the World! 
We will be helping with the Light the World event that will be held at our church this weekend. its an open invitation for everyone to come! There will be a live nativity and tons of nativity creche displays! It will be fun! 
I seriously love this holiday season! I hope you all continue to find ways to light the world this week! It will make this Christmas so much more meaningful! Well have a great week! 
And I will talk to y'all next week!

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