Elder Grant Wolfgramm Email #30

by - July 24, 2017

Hey how is everyone? Yup I know I am just not very good with having a good weekly email super "surow" (Sorry) But yeah things here are "ye gach!" You know I never thought I'd learn so many real life lessons here on my mission and being a Zone Leader there is so many things that need to be done it is crazy and can be super stressful. But I am happy to know that God is watching out for me and that he helps make things not so streeful and yeah its relieving... But cool thing these past couple days we had our mission president President Poston come and you know it is a bit wierd having another mission president but I really enjoy his style and I know God chose him for a reason! I am so happy that I get to be a missionary... And I know that Heavenly Father is so very loving to all of us and you know I also just want to give a shoutout to all my cousins like Wes (Elder Fa), and Nadira (Sister Tupuola), of course my bro Iohanz (Soon to be Elder Wolfgramm), all of them I am so very happy to see my fam either preparing for missions or already on their mission it is one of the most happiest things I feel much Ofa's to you! Alright but you know this week has been good we finally have the permission to have one of our investigators to be baptized and know its up to her to choose! I hope she chooses the right choice but we will do our best to present the message in a way that she needs to hear! But yeah anyways I love all yallz so very much Ofa Lahi Atu!!!

P.S. What happened to the packages? Lol just kidding I love yas keep it real! Until Next week!

Carry on, 
Elder Wolfgramm

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