Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #1

by - July 25, 2017

I made it through my first week in the MTC! Time has gone by really
fast! I have 2 more weeks here and then they will send me to Reno on
Aug. 8. (It could possibly change) They will give me my flight plans
next week. Tuesdays are my P day, (the only day I can write emails)
they gave me an iPad so I can read emails throughout the week...I just
can't respond until P day.

You guys are scheduled to come tour on Aug 1 at 12:40-1:00 which is
during my Lunch (12:30-1:30) on Pday. I will try to look out for you.
But anyways...

So far I love it here...I've made a lot of new friends from all over
the world. There are 2,600 missionaries at the MTC right now...more
will come in tomorrow. My companion is Sister Pressler from Memphis
Tennessee. She is the only Sister Called to Anaheim, California so she
was put into our district (each district is separated into missions)
We've grown closer together along with the other elders in my
district. There are only 3 Sisters going to Reno including me. It's
weird cuz I'm the oldest. There are 16 of us all together, most of
them Elders who just graduated. Btw I've met an Elder who says he
knows Tele and he is going to Idaho...didn't catch his name but somehow
he recognized me.

I have never been so tired in my life! I find myself falling asleep in
most of my classes and meetings. The work here is hard. I knew it
wouldnt be easy but dang haha. Theres a lot of studying, a lot of
preparing lessons and  ALOT of walking. The campus is big and our
classes are spread out all across. It sucks cuz most of the elevators
are broken from Elders jumping in them so we have to walk up and down
the stairs alot . My feet are killing me...The back of my heels are
literally bleeding because of the shoes that I've been wearing.
I'm still trying to adjust myself to this missionary schedule, getting
up at 6:30 everyday is still a struggle but I'm slowly getting used to
it. Usually after I wake up we get ourselves ready for the day, eat
breakfast and then we study the scriptures for about an hour.  Then
the rest of the day we are usually in classes and meetings, and
preparing lessons for our investigators. We do a lot of role playing
which helps me feel comfortable in what I'm going to say and how I'm
going to say it. We don't get back to our dorms until about 9:30. Then
we quickly have to write in our journal, read scriptures and then go
to sleep.

We have assignments to teach our own districts and we have to prepare
talks to give during meetings. The way it works is they just call on
anyone they feel to come up and teach a 3-5 min talk on a topic that
they we are to prepare a talk for each principle of the
gospel. My companion and I were the first they asked, which was nerve
racking . I taught about Baptism and why it's important to follow the
savior and get baptized. Me and my companion was also given a calling
to be Musical directors for our branch so we just have to lead and
find songs to sing.

Haha and don't think I've talked this much ever in my life. We are
given the opportunity to speak ALOT and bare our testimonies. The
first day I got here they put us straight into teaching lessons. So I
am preparing a lot and just trying to learn how to teach the basics of
the gospel. It is very overwhelming and hard at times because I am put
out of my comfort zone...and I'm still trying to get used to this whole
companion thing...we have to be with them at all times which I think is
annoying haha I don't have time to really think and ponder by myself.

The biggest thing that I struggle with is trying to put my thoughts
and feelings into words. So far we've taught 4 different people
interested in the church. (People volunteer to come to the MTC to
learn more about the church) I have to really rely on the Spirit to
help me find the words to say...Our first investigators name is
Jessica and we've taught 4 lessons with her. We made her cry and she
said she wanted to be baptized! which was such a good feeling,, but
our last investigator tho haha her name is Jasmine and she basically
kicked us out of the room lol me and my companion just couldn't stop
laughing haha but yeah Jasmine wasn't a big fan of our religion. She
told us that there is no evidence to prove that what we were saying is
true. She was asking a lot of deep questions that I didn't know the
answers to,,and me and my companion kinda got stuck on how to respond.
It was almost like she didn't want to hear what we were saying, she
just wanted to prove us wrong. Haha so that was an interesting
experience. We decided that there was really nothing we could do
except to pray for her. Haha

I am trying to email while I wait for my laundry. We came to do our
laundry at 7:00am and the line was ridiculous. But I eventually got
mines in and now I'm just waiting for it to dry. We went and ate
breakfast which was just milk cuz they ran out of food. Haha i feel
like we are always eating so I haven't ever been hungry. We can do
basically whatever we want on p days...we are scheduled to go to the
temple in the afternoon which is the only requirement, But I think I
will just spend the rest of the day emailing. I haven't had a lot of
time to take pictures but I have a few...when I get to the computer
lab I'll have to figure out how to upload and send them.

Well I will probably finish emailing later today. I love and miss you
guys! Please give baby Manaia a kiss for me!

Sister Tupuola ❤️

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