Nadira entering into the Mt. Timpanogas temple today!!

by - July 13, 2017

Today was a special day for my awesome niece Nadira. She waited for about over a year to serve a mission. Through hardships and trials, she was determined to overcome the obstacles she faced that she may go on a mission to serve the Lord and the people. The blessing it is to live your life as worthy as possible to enter into the House of the Lord wasn't easy for her but she continued to press forward. Not many people knows much about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormons. And that's ok. Entering into the Temple is a sacred covenant that each worthy member goes through at a particular stage in their lives. Whether getting married or going on a mission, like my niece has chosen. I'm very happy and proud of her for choosing to make sacred covenants with the Lord in order to receive many blessings in this life and in the life to come.

It was a nice, hot summer day and this day just got even better as I enter into the Mount Timpanogas temple with my niece Nadira. The holy spirit was embracing us with lots of love. It was strong & powerful. Even though it may have been a bit spiritually over whelming for Nadira, I know for sure that the Lord and His amazing angels was with us every step of the way. Seeing Nadira in white and watching her take in this enormous volume of information, I knew how she felt, cause I was in her shoes just 9 years ago. She did great for going through all of that for the first time. As long as she felt the spirit, felt the importance of Temple ordinances, keeping ourselves worthy and having a close relationship with the Lord, our Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost. To me that what matters. As you, me, we continue to go to the Temple often, we will slowly understand the blessing we have made with the Lord in the Temple. 

By being a great example for her Mom, sisters and cousins, Nadira has shown great patience, love, courage and faith through daily perseverance. I love and adore my niece very much and I pray that the Lord will bless, guide, protect and teach her as she continues to stay close to Him and the Holy Spirit on her mission. She will be a great blessing to the people of Reno, Nevada but also to her family here in American fork, Utah. 
Love you Dira!

<3Aunty Jay


                                           Future Missionaries

Dad and Nadira

                                                          Jennifer(Mom) & Nadira

                         Anzehla, Ava, Olimpia, Nadira, Manaia, Faith, Jenny, Jayjay & Natalia
The Tupuola Family 2017
Vaitele, Anzehla, Ava, Olimpia, Nadira, Manaia, Faith, Jennifer, Jayjay, Natalia & Pete

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