Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #10

by - October 23, 2017

 Hello Fam! Its been a good week!

We just got word from our Mission President that we will be getting tablets to help us in the work! All of the missions in the US and Canada will have Tablets and smartphones by next year. We will be doing a lot of training on how to use them. I am excited! Right now, my mission is using the good ole flip phones haha the ones that you can buy at walmart for $10. Having a tablet will be so much more resourceful and helpful!  

Last week my companion and I carved pumpkins. We put them in front of our house and the next morning it was scattered into pieces all over our driveway! The dang deers ate them! haha Our neighbor told us that there is a reason why no one has pumpkins on their porch! lol we spent so much time on them! haha we just died laughing! But yeahh I learned that Deers like to eat pumpkins.

Every Monday we go to Walmart to get groceries and stuff. Last Monday, in the parking lot, a woman in her mid 40s came up to us. It was hard to understand her but she asked us if we could give her a blessing. We told her we weren't able to but that we would call the Elders to give her one. She said she thinks that she is being possessed by an evil spirit and needs help. She went on to say that her apartment complex is cursed. We told her we would be glad to help and so we called the Elder missionaries. They were able to go to her house and give her a blessing. We were not able to go because it was not in our area. (I really wanted to go haha) The Elders told us that her apartment is in a sketchy area and it looks haunted. They were able to give Cynthia a blessing. I am not sure how it all went but we are going to talk to the Elders later today to find out more details! 

Natalie is a lady we met yesterday who had her records removed from the church. She told us that she has a strong desire to come back. She has met with our bishop and he gave us permission to teach her. We have a lesson set with her on Tuesday! She is in the process of getting rebaptized. She has to take lessons from us before she does. We are excited to get to know her more! She is really nice! 

But anyways,,I love the different people that I am able to meet every week! I love this gospel and the Book of Mormon! I love my companion! This will be our last week together :( She is getting transferred out! I will find out on Sunday who my next companion will be. But I will stay in Spring Creek for probably another 3 months.
I love you all! The church is true! 

Love Sister Tupuola :)

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