A fun weekend with my husband's family at the Holmstead Ranch!

by - November 26, 2018

Wolfgramm Family Retreat 2018

What a fantastic weekend! Our cabin buddies was my nieces, Anessa and Alema Atuaia. They're attending BYU Provo and wouldn't be with their family who resides in Cozet, Virginia this Thanksgiving holiday. So we made sure that they know they are more than welcome to join our little getaway. And I'm glad they did. These two bright young ladies has always been a joy to be around. We had a blast driving together to the cabins and hanging out in the cabins talking stories and laughing our brains off! It was also nice to see my nephews from Las Vegas to join us and spend time with them this weekend. There were 7 families together spending a fun and memorable weekend together at the Holmstead Ranch. Each of the families had their own cabin and we gathered together in the main hall to eat many fantastic meals. I'm glad that i was able to experience many wonderful memories with each family and friend. I hope we can do it again but during the summer time so we can do more out door activities. Anyways, here are a few photos from this weekend shenanigans.
Cabin #6 Crew
(Me, Anessa, Alema, Mika & little Ava join in on the photo)

memorial info

trail around the memorial

a memorial for those who died at this location

a descendant of one of the massacre victim wrote a nice tribute to them. It was beautiful and heartfelt.

a walk way view of the valley where the massacre happened

unmarked graves

Ava & Mika taking a nice walk around the memorial site

a light house in the middle of nowhere?!?

We found a Jack in the Box in Cedar City....getting our grub on before heading on the road to SLC!
Me and Mika about to enjoy some Jack in the Crack but as usual he's always on the phone!?!

Jj, Nessa, Talia, Sela, Lema & Zehla

Last breakfast at the Ranch

Atuaia Sisters

Cabin 6 crew
Me, Nessa, Lema & Mika...Da best cabin crew!!

The Feinga Family

Ski shooting Crew
Alema, Anessa, Mika, Kalena, Tele, Kingston, Anzehla, Natalia & Me(photographer)

Moses making his famous baked chicken and it was delicious!!

Zehla on the paddle board, Jenny, Jj, Ava and Manaia in the boat

Faith on the paddle board, she was a natural on it...

little ava enjoying playing in the sand...that was her spot to go every time she's out and about.
 game time!

Me, Nessa and Lema hanging out the first morning at the cabins...nessa and I having our 1st breafast!
Me and Mika by our cabins on the first night

driving to the Ranch...me and nessa all smiles

our view driving to st.george

Lizzie, Talia and Sela smiling by the Lake on the first night at the Ranch
thanksgiving dinner
(Tumua, Fetz, Jj, Siu, Lizzie, Nessa & Mo)

Le, Kat, Fatai, Mike, Jr, Pete, Oliva

Noah, Manaia, Jen, Mika, Moses, Kalena & Tele

 Talia, Lizzie, Nessa, Zehla, Lema, Sela, Jj

Noah, Siu, Tumua, Faith, Mika,  Kingston, Zion, Fetz, Moses

 Bonfire time

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