Finishing up my Christmas Shopping!

by - November 26, 2018's been a VERY busy month for me and I thought that I would never have any time to go Christmas shopping let alone sending it out. But I'm very thankful for online shopping and the post office. Today I finally got all my things together and going to ship it out tomorrow since all of December is very busy for me. Work, work, WORK!! Well at least it will cover some of the cost of my Hawaii trip, St. George trip and Christmas shopping. I pray that some sort of miracle would happen that ALL my bills are paid and I have money left over to treat myself to something nice. oh well I can only wish. I'm just thankful for what I have and what I can love and time. Where ever you are, whatever you are doing, I hope that you reflect the importance of quality time with people that matters the most and who you should be spending time with. It may be hard for others, but don't wait to gather together at a funeral. Forgive, forget, love, compromise, uplift, encourage, support and help one another bring peace and balance into each other lives. Don't have regret! Have joy! I hope this little thought helps you out in whatever way it may seem fit to your situations. Just know that you are loved by our Savior Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost. Remember that! You matter, your loved ones matter, everyone matters! May this Holiday season opens more wonderful blessings and opportunities for each of us to always be giving, loving, respectful and helpful.
Happy Holidays Everyone!!

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