Spiritual Scavenger hunt "Self-Reliant" lesson for my Young Women class

by - November 11, 2018

Last month before I left to my spectacular vacation, the Young Women presidency had a scheduling meeting where we discuss who will be teaching the girls, who wont be in church, announcements, etc. So as we planned out the schedule for November, I was asked if I could teach all the girls on the 11th of November since they had gone through who will teach the other Sundays. I agreed but deep inside I was petrified! Once we had everything planned and set, we ended our meeting and went on our way. From that moment on I was going so many thoughts on what am I going to do. Nothing came to mind until I humbly said a prayer. I really needed comfort because I felt nervous and unsure what to do and if I can really pull it off. So after a few prayers, I felt prompted to do something engaging and fun. Soon more ideas and ways to create a fun activity came flowing. I couldn't thank the Lord for opening my mind to come up with a fun and spiritual way to teach a lesson.
The topic of my lesson is "Why is it important to be Self-Reliant?" from the Young Women "Come Follow Me" teaching manual. I read through the lesson and constantly prayed for guidance and strength, making sure that I understood what I need to teach and how present the lesson. I've learn a lot from it and I wanted the girls to hopefully get at least learn something from it. Teenagers attention span is very short. So to avoid loosing them to boredom, the details to the interaction of the game was key in how I put the lesson together. After a week of running through the lesson, organizing how to set up the game, putting things together, making sure the spiritual messages stands out for the girls to reflect on during the game, adding my personality in it and throughout it all ALWAYS counseling with the Lord how he sees fit to put everything together for the girls to remember & learn.
Finally the day had arrived and I was nervous but not too much. I also felt good, prepared and ready to teach. We had our opening exercise and then I began my lesson. The funny thing I had to add was the girls and one of the YW leader was surprised when I said we wont be staying in the classroom for the lesson, we will be taking a little journey in figuring out what our lesson is about. Their faces had a confused look because they're not use to not being in the YW's room during the lesson. I wanted to change it up for once and I'm glad that I did. They were excited after I told them that we will going on a Scavenger Hunt and that I need their help in solving the clues around the chapel. After reading the instructions, I gave them a scripture to find the hint word to help them find the next clue. It lead us to the restroom. Ah yes that's right the restroom. lol The reason for the restroom is because I needed mirrors. I wanted them to understand the importance of looking at themselves to seeing their SELF WORTH and why our faith, trails and life's journey starts with ourselves and how it can shape our future. One of the girls opened the clue envelop, read the message and the scripture. Our next location was the Library and the message topic was Education. I expressed to them the importance to focusing on their education because every knowledge we attain we can find a good occupation, develop our skills and talents, but most of all it will be what we will take back with us after we die. It was a fun having a little discussion after every pit stop we went through today. After the library, the following rooms we went through were The Gym (Health), Kitchen (Home Storage & Family Relationships), Bishop's Office (Tithing), Relief Society Room (Employment) and ended back into the Young Women's room (Spiritual Strength & Self-Reliant). At the end of discussing about the last message, I small envelops that had letters that unscramble the word SELF-RELIANT. Each topic describes key elements of Self-reliance and why each of us need to prepare, develop and use those tools to better our lives through being self-reliant in mind, body & soul.
As we walked through the chapel and talked about the topic messages, I notice that each young women (which was only 3 that attended class) enjoyed walking around, laughing together, talking about important topics, learning more about faith, Jesus Christ and self reliance. It was a joy to see and to know how much they wanted to do more engaging lessons during class. Honestly, the other YW leader who was in attendance looked like she was having a ton of fun more than the girls. heheh it was cute.  Now that was a brief explanation of my lesson today. I will post the messages and scriptures I use to help find the hints and clues.

• We are going on a little journey in finding out together what today's lesson is about. I want each of you to pay close attention to the messages that will be shared along the way.
1. We will be walking around the chapel.
2. Please be respectful towards each other and those attending church.
3. This journey is a SCAVENGER HUNT!
4. As we move to place to place, let us all stay close and help each other solve the mystery that lies ahead.
5. There are yellow envelopes with clues, hints & messages. It also contains another small envelope with letters to unscramble our mystery word later on. As you find these yellow envelopes, read the messages inside first, we will have a simple discussion on that message, and then we will use the hint to search for the next clue.
6. Give them envelope to find Clue #1

Clue #1: Self worth(Restroom/Countenance):

The responsibility for your social, emotional, spiritual, physical, and economic well-being rests first on yourself, second on your family, and third on the Church. Under the inspiration of the Lord and through your own labors, you should supply yourself and your family with the spiritual and temporal necessities of life. You are better able to take care of yourself and your family when you are self-reliant. You are prepared to endure times of adversity without becoming dependent on others. 

My Message: 
Decisions now to exercise faith and be steady in obedience will in time produce great faith and assurance. The power of an early choice to exercise faith and to be persistent in Church members are responsible for their own spiritual and temporal well-being. Blessed with the gift of agency, they have the privilege and duty to set their own course, solve their own problems, and strive to become self-reliant. Members do this under the inspiration of the Lord and with the labor of their own hands.obedience applies to gaining the faith to resist temptation and to gain forgiveness.

(Scripture Doctrine and Covenant 59:14-15>27th word is the hint)

Key points to discuss with girls:
1. Have faith in yourself
2. Forgive yourself
3. Love yourself
4. Trust in yourself
5. Know yourself worth in how God see you. BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT!

Clue #2: Education(Library/Learning):

Education provides understanding and skills that can help people develop self-reliance. Church members should study the scriptures and other good books. They should improve in their ability to read, write, and do basic mathematics. They should obtain as much education as they can, including formal or technical schooling where possible. This will help them develop their talents, find suitable employment, and make a valuable contribution to their families, the Church, and the community.

My Message:
“Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense and doubt; for these cannot exist where knowledge is. … In knowledge there is power.” “To be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God.” Education will prepare you for what is ahead, including marriage.

(Scripture Proverbs 1:5>9th word)

Key points to discuss with girls:
1. Study well in school
2. Go to college
3. Gain more knowledge
4. Get a good job
5. Develop your skills or talents

Clue #3: Health(Gym/Exercise):

The Lord has commanded members to take care of their minds and bodies. They should obey the Word of Wisdom, eat nutritious food, exercise regularly, control their weight, and get adequate sleep. They should shun substances or practices that abuse their bodies or minds and that could lead to addiction. They should practice good sanitation and hygiene and obtain adequate medical and dental care. They should also strive to cultivate good relationships with family members and others.

My Message:
Remember, no one can reach upward on your behalf. Only your faith and prayers will cause you to lift yourself and have the mighty change of heart. Only your resolve to be obedient can change your life. Because of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice for you, the power is in you. You have your agency, you have strong testimonies if you are obedient, and you can follow the Spirit that guides you.

(Scripture Alma 32:27>19th word)

Key points to discuss with girls:
1. Healthy eating & drinking
2. Exercising
3. Strengthen your mind in good & healthy things
4. Good sleep
5. If possible, visit a doctor to make sure everything is good and healthy in mind and body.

Clue #4: Home Storage/Family Relationships(Kitchen/Create):

To help care for themselves and their families, members should build a three-month supply of food that is part of their normal diet. Where local laws and circumstances permit, they should gradually build a longer-term supply of basic foods that will sustain life. They should also store drinking water in case the water supply becomes polluted or disrupted. God has revealed a pattern of spiritual progress for individuals and families through ordinances, teaching, programs, and activities that are home centered and Church supported. Church organizations and programs exist to bless individuals and families and are not ends in themselves. 

My Message:
Wait upon the Lord. The Lord knows your desires and loves you for your faithful devotion to Him. He has a plan for you, whether it be in this life or the next. Listen to His Spirit. “Seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand.” In this life or the next, His promises will be fulfilled. “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.”

(Scripture Mosiah 4:9>11th word)

Key points to discuss with girls:
1. Food and Water storage
2. Have a 72hr kits
3. Strengthen family relationships
4. Prepare to date & or be worthy of marriage
5. Prepare for a mission
6. Build home and individual work ethics & manners
7. Learn to cook, clean, fix and build at home, school & work.

Clue #5: Finance(Bishop's office/Tithing): 

To become financially self-reliant, members should pay tithes and offerings, avoid unnecessary debt, use a budget, and live within a plan. They should gradually build a financial reserve by regularly saving a portion of their income.

My Message:
Pay your tithing and then save! When you earn more, save more. It takes time to learn to control our spending with faith that what we have comes from God. It takes faith to pay our tithing promptly and without procrastination.

(Scripture D&C 64:23>28th word)

Key points to discuss with girls:
1. Pay tithing
2. Help pay Bills
3. Pay off debts
4. Budget smart & wisely
5. Have a savings or rainy day fund

Clue #6: Employment(Relief Society/Relief):

Work is the foundation upon which self-reliance and temporal well-being rest. Members should prepare for and carefully select a suitable occupation or self-employment that will provide for their own and their families’ needs. They should become skilled at their work, be diligent and trustworthy, and give honest work for the pay and benefits they receive.

My Message:
...if you are there for the Lord, He will be there for you. If you love Him and keep His commandments, you will have His Spirit to be with you and guide you. “Put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good. … By this shall you know, all things … pertaining unto things of righteousness."

(Scripture Acts 11:29>13th word)

Key points to discuss with girls:
1. Work hard & diligently
2. Be honest in your work
3. Be respectful to yourself & others
4. Strengthen Talents & skills
5. You have many resources to help you in any way, theres the relief society sisters, YW leaders, Bishoprics and trusted advisers.

Clue #7: Spiritual Growth (Young Women/Youth):

Spiritual strength is essential to a person’s temporal and eternal well-being. Church members grow in spiritual strength as they develop their testimonies, exercise faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, obey God’s commandments, pray daily, study the scriptures and the teachings of latter-day prophets, attend Church meetings, and serve in Church callings and assignments.

My Message:
However much faith to obey God we now have, we will need to strengthen it continually and keep it refreshed constantly. We can do that by deciding now to be more quick to obey and more determined to endure. Learning to start early and to be steady are the keys to spiritual preparation.

(Scripture Alma 37:35>10th word)

Key points to discuss with girls:
1. Build Faith in Christ
2. Gain a Testimony of the Gospel
3. Pray daily
4. Study & ponder the Scriptures
5. Attend church, mutual, and Temple
6. Be self reliant!

Self-Reliant (Mystery Word):

Self-reliance is the ability, commitment, and effort to provide the spiritual and temporal necessities of life for self and family. As members become self-reliant, they are also better able to serve and care for others.
Church members are responsible for their own spiritual and temporal well-being. Blessed with the gift of agency, they have the privilege and duty to set their own course, solve their own problems, and strive to become self-reliant. Members do this under the inspiration of the Lord and with the labor of their own hands.


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