Light the World

by - December 24, 2022


Every year the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints puts out wonderful photos, talks by the General Authorities, videos and more to share the Light of Christ to everyone around the world. I love how they share the great messages of the Light and Life of Christ. We all need his light to continue to live and grow each day. I am grateful for all that my Savior has done for me that I may live now and forever through his atonement. Without his birth, life and death, no one would be here on this earth. The wonderful plan of Salvation is the greatest gift our Heavenly Father could ever give to each of us. May we all share our gratitude and love to God and his beloved son, Jesus Christ for this life we have and the life to come. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas everyone!

"Come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.” —Isaiah 2:5.

What does it mean to walk in the light of Jesus Christ?

During His life on earth, Jesus Christ devoted His time to serving others. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and mourned with those who were grieving.

He shared His light by showing compassion to everyone—not just His friends, not just His followers, but everyone who was in need of kindness.

Jesus Christ invites us to follow in His footsteps. We walk in His light when we feed the hungry, look after someone who’s sick, or check in with a friend who’s having a bad day.

This December, we’re making the effort to share His light through kindness each day leading up to Christmas. But that shouldn’t be limited to the season. We can walk in His light all year long.

Learn more about what Jesus taught during His time on earth. Schedule a visit with missionaries to get started: Grow Closer to God this Christmas

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