Loss the sense of Taste & Smell

by - December 19, 2022


Okay it's going on 3 days since I loss my sense to taste and smell. It came out of know where and deep inside I am freaking out. Obviously my husband to don't give to craps about it because its not happening to him, so why should he be worry. But this has never happened to me before, ever! So now I am trying to find ways to get it back, but the first thought that came to my mind when I noticed couldn't taste the peppermint chocolate candy, "Do I have Covid?" Since that is one of many symptoms that detects that you have covid. When I panicked for a moment, I grabbed my strong essential oils and no scent came through, I ate a menthol cough drop and no strong taste. I quickly said a prayer and ask the Lord for his healing blessing upon me that I may regain my sense of taste and smell. Even though I am still recovering my this little cold, my heart was worried for the worst. Fast forward to today in hopes for a recovery, and still nothing. Watch a few YouTube videos, online doctors help and continuous prayers, I'm starting to think that I have covid or some sort of infection in my sinus or nose. Mika finally gave an ounce of sympathy for me and tried to find what could be the cause of this unexpected change. We are going to get a covid test to check if its positive, then that resolve that mystery but if its negative, I will go see my primary doctor and check to see what I have. pray for me that this little scary experience I am facing will be fixed and healed. Mika gave me a priesthood blessing last week when I got sick and I will hold strong to that blessing with all the faith I have that the Lord will heal me. Please take care of yourselves and be cautious of where you go and what is around you that could get you sick. God bless you all and be safe.

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