My Birthday weekend...

by - December 09, 2022

 Dinner at Texas Roadhouse

enjoying eating Texas Roadhouse soft bread

My favorite bakery 

my favorite milky bread, the filling taste like the long john cream filling back home in Hawaii

Christmas street in Taylorsville, Utah, show casing Twas the night before Christmas story by decorating their homes. Very cute. We came here a few years ago when Jerica and her family visited during Christmas.

For my birthday I didn't expect much or do much because finance was low this year, but it is the reality of everyone. All week I felt the promptings to go to the Temple but I put it off because Mika wanted to rest and then go and do stuff on my birthday. Well, lets just say that it did not go well for me. Mika slept in until 1pm, I stayed up til 6am updating my blog because I knew he had nothing plan for me and I slept in til 10am and had a fun time singing in the shower. So I knew the Holy Spirit was trying to warn me that the adversary was going to ruin my day and that I should serve in the Temple to feel appreciated by God and keep myself busy spiritually. Since I didn't listen I didn't have a good day. Mika tried to make it special by buying me Korean treats, taking me out to dinner and drive through the Christmas lights in Taylorsville. I'm not knocking Mika down for not planning anything for my day, I'm mad at my self for not listening to the Holy Spirit so that my birthday would have been better. Overall, this year birthday was ok, better then last year. I hope that my 40th will be better and maybe out of this state doing something fun. We will see.

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