Elder Maikeli C. Wolfgramm email: ELDER WOLFGRAMM 🇹🇴

by - August 11, 2024

Malolelei hoku famili ofeina mo e kaungamea! Oku mou fefe hake?

I'm blessed to say that I am still here in Uiha, Haapai with Elder Aiono!😇
These past two weeks have flown by! Time definitely goes faster when you love what you do, love the Area, and love the people. Although with that said time is definitely slower on a small island, with little people, and little work to do. In my last email I mentioned we've been able to do a lot of service with the members and non members here. It's been fun going to Uta learning how to plant manioke and other things stuff I can only imagine my ancestors doing. This past week we got to help this woman plant vegetables, make her garden and that was very neat. Learning to do stuff I had never done before! I've also been able to give haircuts to some elderly here which they seemed very happy about! 
Saturday we got to help this man build a fence for his entire plantation took us about all day but we were happy to have work and help him! Also afterwards he fed us soo good, with a beautiful view of the ocean and sunset from his backyard on the beach! So blessed to say that the members and even non members have been taking care of us very well with feeding us🙏! 
 Lol this is also something else that happened this week... So one morning I wake up and my sandles are gone and this has been the 3rd time a good pair of my sandles have been stolen. Turns out it was more then just my sandles taken also money from my bag.  Unfortunately thats because our door lock is broken but working to get that fixed. Lol I knew it had to be one of these pa'u boys and I told my comp teu kumi ko hai naa ne to'o eku ngaahi koloa pea teu taa lahi iaa🤣(I'll find who took my stuff). We went around the village and I asked the boys who took our stuff. They all gave the same answer to this "one kid" who is known for stealing. We ended up going to his house later that night with some of the boys... Long story short I did find who took my stuff, and I did get my slippers back. Let's just say that was a memorable night (no one was hurt) nau tuli siana mama'o haha. The kid who took my stuff and all the boys now know I ain't just another palangi here loll! 
We had a very unique expirence last week in Felemea. I'm not exactly sure how it works but we ended up helping the village pull in a likupenga net full of fish and it was crazy something I've never seen before. But it made me think and ponder about the parable of Jesus feeding 5 thousand. Well I am positive there is not nearly close to 5 thousand people here in Felemea but I'm sure that was a little portion of what that was like. It ended being enough fish to feed the whole village and they all were able to take a portion of it!! This expirence also made me think about what Jesus said to his disciples "Follow me and I will make you Fishers of men" When times have been hard and I feel I am not getting the results I want from my work I remember that all Jesus asked was to "Follow me". This work is not easy. I often think about D&C 4:2 almost everyday  2 "Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day." 
Especially when times are hard these words are constantly going through my head on a daily basis in English and in Tongan. 
This upcoming  Sunday it will be ward conference in Felemea which I am really looking forwad to!Me and my companion will invite everyone to that. We will also work even harder this week with the members to get a baptism. 
I love this gospel so much. It has blessed me and my family. I want nothing but for others to expirence and have those blessings with that said it is why I have a great and strong passion in this work. "The greatest work taking place on earth today". 
I love and miss you all very much Ofa lahi atu kimoutolu-. Sincerely Elder Wolfgramm🇹🇴 


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