Elder Maikeli C Wolfgramm email: ELDER WOLFGRAMM 🇹🇴

by - August 25, 2024

 Malolelei kainga ofeina! Mou fefe hake? The past 2 weeks have been really busy. Busy out here means really good so yea great past 2 weeks. So much I could write about but I'm gonna try and keep it short! These past couple weeks me and Aiono have been fasting praying with all our might to get just one person baptized on this island. This past weekend was a huge answer to our prayers and one of the times I've felt the Lord so closely in hearing my prayers. Our members had told us its been over four years since the missionaries have had a baptism here in Felemea. Last week we fasted that one of the people we've taught before would be baptized. I had faith the Lord would provide one to come to the gate of baptism. We not only found one that accepted the invatation to be baptized but two people!! One in both Villages Uiha and Felemea!! This was more than just an answer to our prayers but a huge blessing. Saturday we had a beautiful baptism for a boy named Una in Felemea. I havent had a baptism since my first area and this was Elder Aionos first on the mission. Sunday during our ward conference I had the opportunity to confirm Una a member and give him the Holy Ghost. I truly have never felt the spirit stronger. My words were all guided from the Holy Ghost. After we had a big feast and maan some of the best food I've had on the mission 🤤. 

We had the opportunity to baptize Vai
 yesterday and it was such a great baptism. There was lots of work put in to this baptism. We put a lot into this one and I would do all over again if I had to! We were able to teach Vai and after getting approval from her parents to baptize her I have never seen anyone this happy about baptism!! She was jumping up and down, with a huge smile on her face, screaming like it was Christmas morning!! This brought me and Elder Aiono so much Joy. This is the "Higher Joy" that Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf is talking about!! 
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is truly the “good news of great joy”! It is a message of matchless hope! A message of yoke-bearing and burden-lifting. Of light-gathering. Of heavenly favor, higher understanding, holier covenants, eternal security, and everlasting glory!" 
10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you? 11 And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts. 
"Vai" is a huge example of faith to me and my companion. She has a beautiful testimony of our Savior and this gospel❤️

Everyday feels more and more like home here. Its crazy some of the members here treat us better then their own sons. I count the blessing to be here every morning and night. Miss and love you all - Elder Wolfgramm 🇹🇴

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