Sister Alema Atuaia reply email to Mika

by - August 05, 2024

 Unko Mika,

Thank you for your email! Love you and  Aunty Jay plenty ❤️ Man, I miss our hangouts too! I often find myself reflecting back on those times while on mission. They bring me great joy and even laughing at random times.🤣 Especially all the jokes we made about me coming to Africa and how I would lowkey be suffering. In some ways, it be true AHAHAHA. But we love being humbled and I'm grateful to be here doing the Lord's work.

WOW. Thank you for sharing what you did in your email. That's powerful truth right there 👏. I love it and needed to hear that as well.
Faith is such a simple thing yet we tend to complicate it most times. So thank you for sharing the simplicity if what it is and how powerful it can be in our lives.

Always grateful for your advice and your guys love and support for me. I am always missing and thinking of yall. Take care and eat plenty of nerds gummy clusters for me. 😅 ALSO, know that I still be eating them PB&J sandwiches here in Africa. AHAHA. LOVE YOU GUYS PLENTY.❤️ Also there is a song I think yall would like. It's called Jehovah by Kenyon Brown.

💖-Sister Atuaia

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