Visiting the Taylorsville Utah Temple for Moms birthday!

by - August 07, 2024


After working today, I thought I was going to relax and chill. But I think the Lord had other plans for me. The minute I got home, I felt the need to go to the temple. So I got ready, scheduled an appointment at the Taylorsville Utah Temple to do sealings and headed over there for a session. Even though I was a bit tired and feeling too hot on this summer day. It was necessary for me to seal my mom to her parents. As I arrived, I realized that I forgot my Temple clothes. So I went in, scanned my temple recommend and went to the clothing rental station. Got my clothes, got dressed and headphones to the sealing office on the 3rd floor. It took me a moment to get ready and find my way to the sealing office, because it was my first time doing a session at this Temple. Once my session started, I met a sist from Murray who helped me do 2 family names as I did 1 family name card. Brother Burton, who was our previous Temple president, is now this Temple sealer. When he asked how many names I will be doing, I told him only 1, who is my mom. He was very happy that I came and did a close family name. He had me go first and another couple was proxy for my grandparents. I began to tear up when he said their names and feeling my mom there was even more special for me. Once the ordinance was done, I thank the couple and the sealer for making it happen and sharing with them that it was also my mom's birthday. Brother Burton told me that he was even more happy for me and thank me for bringing a special spirit in our session. It was such a special session for me. I am grateful to be a part of this wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ and knowing that families can be together forever. After the session, I visited the Celestial room for a few minutes, praying to the Lord, giving thanks and expressing my love to mom on this special day. Soon I finished praying and went downstairs to get dressed. The spirit of the Lord was filling my heart with such joy, I was ready to go home and chill. Ugh nope, the Lord had more things for me to do. The minute I stepped outside, my sister Juanita name came to my mind and then I heard, call your sister and be with her. I called her up, she answered and was chilling at home. I told her to get dressed because I was going to pick her up and hangout. So I made my way to her place in Salt Lake. She met me outside of her place when I arrived and we headed over to Leatherbys in Taylorsville. We had a few good meal, ice cream and talked for an hour. Once that was done, we stopped by seagull books store to pick up a book for Nita. On our way to her place , I felt she needs to be at the temple. So I drove back to Taylorsville Temple and walked around the property so that Nita could be close to mom and feel the Holy spirit more stronger. I know my sister has been through a lot but I don't judge her at all. I know that the Lord and Mommy wanted me to be a support to her the best way that I can be. And by being a spiritual support that she needs at this time. Whenever that day will come for her to return back to the temple, I will be there once again to by her side. It was a m7ch needed time spent together as sisters on mom's birthday. After the temple visit I took her home. We both thanked each other for this family time together. All went well and I am glad God guided me through it all. Praise and glory to God for my blessings, family and life. May we all strive to be closer to God and be the best disciples here on earth each day. I love you all and be safe. Happy Heavenly Birthday Mommy!

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