Siater Alema Atuaia email: BAPTISM 😆🙏🏽

by - August 19, 2024

 What a blessed week fam,

We baptized Brother Noah yesterday after church.🥹 It was powerful! ❤️ Brother Gerald, who is standing by me, is a recent convert and he baptized Brother Noah. Brother Noah's uncle, who is not a member, also came to support him. It's such an awesome feeling having someone enter into the covenant of baptism and seeing them take that first step to a whole better life. 💯 Like my Grandma Logo always told me during times of trial, "It won't be easy, but it will be worth it." Me and my companion always express how happy we are for those who accept the invitation to be baptized. I can only imagine how happy our Heavenly Father is for his children who accept that invitation as well. 😊 

Baptism truly is a special occasion. 🙏🏽 As the Spirit confirms this truth to those we teach, the more I realize how blessed we are to have this covenant with God. It truly blesses our lives and those around us! 

As I've been reading the Book of Mormon, I am now in the book of Alma. And like the prophets I share the same name with, I've become more bold when teaching. 😌😂 Especially with baptism and the priesthood. AYOOOO, SISTER ATUAIA DON'T PLAY WHEN IT COMES TO THE PRIESTHOOD YAHURRR 🤝🏽🫡 There's been some times when me and my companion have been in lessons where people ask why they have to be baptized again. We be telling them straight up that their baptism wasn't done with the right authority which is the priesthood. Some people be offended and then try and argue, and then that's when I have to be singing in my head the one song, "Let the Holy Spirit Guide..." before my hands start guiding themselves ahahaha JOKES JOKES 🤣🤣🤣

But no for reals, to wrap it up, baptism is such a blessing as well as the priesthood needed to do this sacred ordinance. We are extremely blessed to be apart of the true church of Jesus Christ. 😭😇 May we, as members of the true church, continue to do our duty and responsibility of sharing this restored gospel to those around us. Especially those who have never heard of it. I invite y'all, who have been baptized, to reflect back to your baptism day and review the covenants you made that day as well. 🤍 If you have never been baptized, I invite you to read 3 Nephi chapter 27 in the Book of Mormon. Pray about it and then read Moroni 10:3-5. 🙌🏼

Love you all. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church of Jesus Christ, who is the living Son of God and the head of this church. Have a great and blessed week fam. 🤟🏽

Brother Noah (next to Sister Katoa) and Brother Gerald (next to me) who is baptizing him. 🙏🏽 

Me and my companion with Brother Noah, his uncle, and Brother Gerald. 🫂 

Cuz I'm an island girl... in Africa where they think I'm Chinese 💀

Played a game of pool with these guys and basically they said we sucked because "this the fastest game we've ever played" 😂☠️

Watching Kung Fu Panda with the kids here in Bauleni while waiting for our next lesson. 😅

With the kids in Bauleni ❤️ 

These random teen dudes on the street were doing their own photoshoot and their poses had me deadddd ahahaha

My Zone Leaders this transfer 👀🤣

Elder Mothibedi (Botswana) & Elder Salin (California)

Us Woodlands Sisters with the ZLs

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