Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #12

by - November 06, 2017

Hello Family!! I hope you are all having a great week!
I am doing gooood! It has been almost a week with my new companion! Sister Merrick. She is awesome! She is so funny. We have a lot in common! But she is very quiet. Like more quiet than me lol But I guess it's good cuz it's making me talk more haha. 

I have finished my training! I am in charge of the area now and I have to take the lead in the lessons. We both are not good at talking to people so we have been doing a lot of role plays on how to approach people and what we would say when we go door knocking. I hate them because I always feel dumb but they really help! We have a lot of fun role playing haha 

 It has been a busy week. We are trying to focus on the less active members in our ward... trying to reactivate them. And we have been meeting with a lot of  active members for the purpose of strengthening their testimony and to gain their trust. Instead of trying to find non-members to teach, our goal now is to work specifically with less active/Active members in our Spring Creek 2nd ward. According to our records, there are 176 less active member families and only 50 active member families. (that we know of) We were told that many of the less actives were offended by other members in the ward. So we decided to teach a message of forgiveness to both the less actives and active member families.

I definitely have gotten better talking to people. I try to look at bumper stickers or anything around their home that I might be able to talk about. Some lady had a NRA stand and fight bumper sticker on the back of her car so I asked her about it and told her that my mom has the same sticker. She wouldn't stop talking about America and guns haha But we were able to relate what she was saying to the gospel. And how we need to follow Christ's commandments and have that strong foundation on Christ in order to have peace with all the chaos going on. 

We knocked on a less active members door, The Colyer family and a man opened the door. He said he stopped coming to church because he realized that the mormon church doesn't have the truth and that we have a lot of man made commandments. He was holding his little son and I just felt really bad for them because I know that he is wrong and that this is the only church with the fulness of the truth! It was kinda sad but we prayed after that he may one day come back and soften his heart. 

Diana Flemming
Our Bishop told us to visit a family that recently moved in. We went to the home (The Flemmings) and an old lady opened the door... A very strong smell of cigarette smoke came out of her home as she opened the door. She seemed scared of us and she closed the door so there was just a little crack. We saw that she had a Christmas tree up so we complimented on her tree and asked her if she was Christian. She said she was but that she was not of our faith. We talked about God and how he loves us. She started crying! We then found out that her daughter was murdered in Arizona! Not sure how long its been..But she said it was not a good time for us to be there and then she shut the door. Our hearts sunk. We said a prayer for her.

Well I wish I could write more but I got to get back to work

Love you all! 
Sister Tupuola!

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