Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #49

by - August 13, 2018

Hello Family! Everything is going great here in the promise land of Nevada! I hear y'all are getting some pretty bad smoke as well! haha well its been looking better the past couple of days here! I am doing much better! I got my silver now so I'm good! 
Sister Squire and I have been trying to stay busy. Here's what happened! 

Phone Miracle! 
We recieved a phone call from a number we didn't recognize. Here's how it went..
-Phone rings-
Me: Hello! This is the Sister Missionaries. 
Woman: Hi is Giselle there?
Me: No, sorry you have the wrong number. 
Woman: oh sorry! 
Me: No worries! We are the Missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Have you talked with missionaries before?
Woman: No I haven't 
Me: Well we teach people about Jesus Christ and also share an awesome message of peace that i know can help you through whatever struggles you are going through in life. Would that be something your interested in hearing?
Woman: Yes, I would like to but I don't have a lot of time right now, can I call you later? 
Me: Of course! We look forward to hearing back from you\

^^^We have yet to hear from her but that was a cool miracle! We didn't think she'd say yes! 

Smoke Detectors
Our Smoke detector went off at 3am and woke us up! We had forgotten to close some of the windows. oops haha It wouldn't go off so we shoved it under the pillow and that seemed to do the trick. 

I have to opportunity to go on exchanges with my past companion Sister Minton! We had a blast and it was great being together again! It was just like old times cruising the streets of Fallon! We met a few people on the streets. But they weren't too interested. We did some service for some members in our ward. We helped them paint and then we served at the methodist thrift store. They will be closing down which is sad. 

We taught Karl the third lesson, the Gospel of Jesus Christ which talks about Faith, repentance, baptism and the Holy Ghost. We planned his baptism program with him! He also came to church yesterday and he is just doing great! 

We met with Patty again this week and she is still so excited for her baptism. It makes me so happy seeing her all excited and happy! She had some questions about the baptism and so we went over Baptism again.We went further into detail so she knows more about what she's getting into. 

Margie is a less active member in the Walker Branch that we have been focusing to come back to church. we meet with her every week and teach her. and SHE CAME TO CHURCH THIS WEEK! I was soo happy to hear that! 

Our new mission President wants us focusing more time on the less actives in the church. We are taught that its just as important bringing the Less Actives back to church as it is Baptizing non members. I have grown a testimony that this is true! Being able to work with the Less actives is harder than baptizing because they already know the gospel. But its cool helping them remember how they felt going to church in the past and then helping them resolve their concerns with whats holding them back. Seeing Margie come back to church is one of the highlights of my mission! I was remember knocking on her door and she had no desire to go back. But this week SHE DID! I also have a testimony that people can change! I have been reading recently in the book of Alma about Zeezrom. Satan had great hold on him and he tried to make Alma and Amulek look bad but then Alma and Amulek being the great missionaries they are, ended up converting Zeezrom and he himself became a missionary and preached the Word of God the rest of his life! 
I know that God loves all of his children and no matter how far you go off the path, you can repent and come back and recieve the blessings that heavenly father has for us. 

We were walking in the "Horsey Area" which we like to call because all of the street names in that area are named after horse related things like, pony, colt, mule, horseshoe, appaloosa, pinto haha but anyways, we were walking and we met Bob who actually scared us because he came up from behind us as we were looking at his bear statue in front of his house. He asked who we were and we introduced ourself. We ended up just talking with Bob for half an hour. He lost his wife to breast cancer a year ago and has been trying to keep up with all the chores with his house. We offered our help and he said he'd gladly take us up on it. We mentioned the message of the Plan of salvation and he said He'd like to hear what we have to say! It was awesome getting to know him. He is an older man in his 70s and just lives with his dog, Bailey. We are excited to go back this week to help in in his yard and share more about the gospel! 

Richard D
We met with Richard and watched the mormon message called the Will of God. Him and his wife loved it! They said it was so applicable to what they are going through. the Lord cuts us down sometimes because he loves us and wants us to grow. Richard has felt like God has cut him down but he has realized that it has actually helped him! Richard is still patiently waiting to hear back from the first presidency. He has been having a lot of health issues so he's scared he will die before getting baptized. but he is doing good.

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