Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #34

by - April 30, 2018

​Man where do I begin?! This week was crazy!!! 

A Missionaries Worst Nightmare
 Bed bugs. We spent most of the week getting rid of bedbugs!!! And it was not fun. So it turns out that my last apartment in Fallon is infested with bedbugs! I havent seen any bite marks but my last companion, Sister Minton had them all over. We didnt know what it was tho at the time. But She finally went in to the doctor after I left and it was confirmed that we had bedbugs. They even lifted up the mattresses and saw them! aww gross! I haven't seen anything unusual on my skin haha but We were worried that I may have brought them to my new area. So we were told my our mission president to spend the week going through the procedures to make sure we don't have any. We spent a full day hanging out at the laundrymat drying all of our stuff. (heat kills bedbugs). We also had the exterminator come and he said we are clear now! Well lets hope so. 

Zone Conference
 As a Sister Training leader, we give lots of trainings to the other missionaries in the area. We had a Zone Conference this week which consisted of all the missionaries serving in Carson City and Fallon areas. Sister Cluff and I gave a training on the importance of finding people to teach. We taught how if we have the faith, The Lord will lead us to people or he will lead the people to you. We talked about the importance of talking to everyone and finding opportunites to serve and help. I am grateful for this time I have to serve as a Sister Training Leader. I am learning so much! 

Walker Branch
I had the opportunity to attend the Walker Branch yesterday! Its about an hour drive to the church from our house. It was an awesome experience. We had a total of 20 people attend which is so wierd to me coming from Utah and the chapels are full. But the Spirit was still very strong. Thats something that never changes no matter where you go,,I feel at home when I attend church! The feeling is the same! The Branch presidency spoke about the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Afterwards we had a potluck which they do every 4th sunday of the month. Everyone is so nice and welcoming! We had a great time! 

We had another lesson with Richard, Our investigator. He is anxious to hear back from the First Presidency of the church for confirmation to get baptized. He said he has waited 65 years and has learned a lot of patience. We taught the importance of the Priesthood. He understood everything we taught and didn't have any questions. Richard has a powerful testimony of the gospel. I am excited for him! 

Book of Mormon 65 day Challenge
President Chesnut invited us all to participate in the Book of Mormon 65 day challenge! Where we read the BOM in 65 days haha. Why 65? Because thats how long it took for Joseph Smith to translate it!! I have started the BOM for the 4th time now being here on my mission! but this time, I am reading it as if I was Joseph Smith translating it. Its cool reading it with a different perspective. But my testimony is growing stronger every time I pick up the book of mormon. I know its true! 

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