Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #30

by - April 02, 2018

Hello Everyone! I hope you had a great Easter weekend!! General Conference was sooo good!!! I can't tell you how grateful I am for our Prophet President Nelson! He truly is a prophet of God who has been called to lead and guide us all today!! 

Having a phone as a missionary has been so wierd. haha but its been good! Its crazy how much this work is hastening because of it! This week has been a little bit frustrating because we have to transfer all of our paper records on to our smartphones which takes a long time. I am excited to be using Facebook! Its been cool learning how to use technology for good! 

Service for Maria! 
Maria is from Mexico and recently moved here to Fallon. She does not speak any english. We had the opportunity to help her clean her home. The Hermanas came with us to translate. Maria is not a member of the church. She is getting married this weekend and she will also be getting baptized on Saturday! We will be helping her with her wedding this week. She is so awesome and funny. Even though I had no Idea what she was saying haha. 

Jimmy is feeling a lot better this week! He was able to watch General Conference!! He said he enjoyed it. He thought it was cool. Jimmy is still doing really good! He reads the Book Of Mormon every day and prays every night! We are excited for him. We know the Lord will continue to bless him! 

The Pascale Family
We spent Easter with the Pascale family! They are a great family! The parents want to be baptized this year. But they still struggle with smoking. We are working with them in preparation for their baptism. They both have such strong testimonies of the gospel. I know they will soon overcome their addiction! They said its been really hard but they are helping each other!  

We met Robert on the street. He was fixing his car. We talked to him about our beliefs and he said he already belonged to a church. Robert goes to a church called Wicked. He said he worships Satan. lol We asked him more about what he believes. It was very interesting! haha he said we can come back so we can share beliefs haha. I look forward to meeting with him again. haha 

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