Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #32

by - April 16, 2018

Its been REAL Fallon!!! 

In Alma 22:4 it says, "Behold the Spirit of the Lord has called him another way: he has gone to the land of Ishmael to teach the people of Lamoni" 

In this scripture, the Lord has called Ammon to another place to teach the people. I am grateful for the experiences that I've had in this awesome city of Fallon! But the Lord has called me another way! 

Call From President Chesnut! 
It was early in the morning and we were just about to start our daily planning. Sister Minton then says, "We missed a call from President!" My first thoughts were uh oh! What is he calling about?! I realized that today was the day that President calls the missionaries who are training or who is going up to a leadership position. So we quickly called him back! He answered and asked how the work was going..and then he asked if he could just speak to me! Right then I new that something big was about to go down. I went to the other room and he said, "Sister Tupuola, will you accept the responsibility to be a SISTER TRAINING LEADER! to my surprise, I wasn't scared. I was EXCITED! of course I accepted the calling! I am grateful for this chance that I have to be serving as an STL! Its a big responsiblity but I am ready to continue to learn and grow! 
These feelings of discouragment that I've been having these past few days make sense. Satan will always try to get you right before something good happens! Thank you Lord! Its a great day to be a missionary! 

Last night we got a call from our Zone Leaders and they gave us our transfer instructions! I will be getting transfered out of Fallon! I will be serving as a Sister Training Leader in CARSON CITY!! I will be over the Jobs Peak Ward and the Walker Branch in California!!!! I AM SO EXCITED! I've LOVED every second of my time here in Fallon! But I am excited for my new journey that I will have in Carson! 

Sister Pearson the Primary President drove us out to the Reservation! We went and tried a bunch of people but they didn't answer. We weren't having any luck. The people in the Reservation are hard to catch. Its been kinda of a struggle because they don't like answering their doors haha. But we hear people in there! smh But I had a prompting to go visit a certain less active on our list, The Reeds. I asked Sister Pearson if we could try one more house and she said yes. I told her the address for the Reeds and she said, I was just thinking about them! So we drove over and Brother and Sister Reed happened to be out in their yard. We went out and introduced ourselves. They said we couldn't go into their house but they offered to take us out for ice cream. So we headed to Dairy Queen and we sat down and talked. We had an awesome discussion. They were both offended by some of the members in the ward so they have been attending the Native American Church. We shared a spiritual thought about loving one another and they both really enjoyed it. Brother Reed bore his testimony and thanked us for coming. After we went home and I felt prompted to call Brother Reed. I felt like I should ask him if he would speak at our Why I Believe Fireside. He hesitated at first but he said yes! We have been looking for people to speak but everyone else we asked refused. We had our Why I believe Fireside last night and it was sooooo good! Jimmy our investigator and Brother Reed spoke and bore their testimonies of Why they believe! It was awesome! 

Jmmy spoke at our fireside and the spirit was really strong! He talked about his experiences with going to different churches trying to find the right one. He said that he has finally found the right one! He expressed his gratitude for this gospel and mentioned how excited he is for the day he gets baptized! I am excited for him and hope to attend his baptism next year! 

This week has been the best! I am sad that I have to leave my awesome Companion Sister Minton! We've had a lot of fun times together! 

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