Flu Season....yuck!

by - September 23, 2018

Getting sick is one of the most annoying time for me, well I get sick all the time and it shouldn't be too surprising for me. heheh But what I mean is that getting the worst sore throat, congestion, stuffy nose, achy and weak body kind of illness! Yes you know what I'm talking about, the Flu! Ugh one of the most irritable experience to go through throughout the year. Spring time its Allergies and minor colds. Summer time heavy allergies and some cold here and there. Oh but the Fall & Winter time is when all hell breaks loose for Colds and Flu's for me. Its like they wait all year just to get me good during this time to make me feel more miserable than I already feel. Damn flu! For years I've tried every home remedies, over the counter drugs , trick and tips from every Tom, Dick & Harry to help me get better and majority of those medicines just make me feel lousy or worst! So what do i usually do whenever I get sick....absolutely NOTHING! Yup you heard right, nothing! Nah I'm just kidding. If I did that then I wouldn't be here and you wouldn't be reading my blog if were so. Honestly I just make a hot cup of ginger and lemon tea with no sugar or sweeteners. Straight up like that. On certain occasions I would eat half a orange or lemon with a red Li Hing Mui seed to add a little savory saltiness to my sour and tangy fruits. And I cant forget my humidifier and comfy Korean blanket to keep me warm but not overly hot during my sickness. So as I lay here in bed writing in my blog, I just want to say that going through the yucky sickness of the season, I'll always be thankful that I can overcome it and enjoy my time being healthy and more lively. Enjoy having the privileged to be mobile, have a good health, and live each moment of everyday with gratitude and a smile. Have a blessed day everyone and take good care of your health during the cold season!! Cough cough, Bye!

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