Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #54

by - September 17, 2018

Patty had her baptismal interview with our district leader this week and she mentioned that she took a sip of coffee that morning. The requirements for baptism strictly states that the Word of Wisdom must be kept 2 weeks prior to baptsim. It was the hardest thing for us to tell her that she couldn't get baptized on the 22nd and that we would have to wait another two weeks. It was hard because she was so excited to get baptized on her birthday. It was a very special day for her. She felt so embarrassed and guilty but we tried to tell her that it was okay and that everyone makes mistakes. She sent us a message the next morning that made me so sad. She said she did lots of praying and decided that she is not going to make the commitment to be baptized. it was hard for me because I know she is so ready. Satan is working hard on her. We aren't exactly sure what the reasoning is behind why she doesn't want to be baptized anymore. But we respect her decision and will continure to love her! She told us that she will continue going to church which is great! And when the time is right, in the Lord's timing she will get baptized! 

We had such a great lesson with the Saylos this week. They didn't read in the Book of Mormon like we had asked them to last week so we read with them. We read in Alma 37:36-48 and talked about centering our life on Christ and having faith in him. We read about the Liahona and taught that we have a modern day Liahona which is the scripures. They said they would read as a family this week and then they invited us to make sushi with them on Tuesday! 

Ruler of Hell 
We met an interesting man as we were riding our bikes the other day. We stopped to ask if he needed help as he was trying to fix his car. He said no. We talked to him about his car and then later in the conversation asked him if he was religious. He said he doesn't have a faith but that he wants to rule over hell. He said that if everyone is trying to get to heaven, there will be no one in hell, therefore, he wants to go to hell because he doesn't like people. And then he said he wants to become the ruler of hell. And then he starts to laugh all creepily so we just left haha that man is crazy. 

Kings Canyon Waterfall 
On Monday we went hiking with all the other missionaries up in Carson City. It was fun and then after we had a BBQ at a members house! 

Youth Activity
We got to help the youth this week for mutual learn how to share the gospel with their friends. It turned out really well. Everyone got missionary nametags and we did a lot of roleplays on different situations. it was fun! 

We decided to make cookies for a less active family, the Pittams. But they didn't answer their door so we walked back to our car. As we were walking back a man and his little Daughter get out of their car. We smile and wave and ask how their doing. I then hear a voice in my head say, "Give them the cookies" so I said, "Would you guys like some cookies?" He said yeah sure! We talked for a while. His name is Louis and his daughters name is Ta'iri which means "My heart" in some native american language. They belong to the Wicho (I cant spell it) tribe in Mexico. He is really nice! He gave us his address and said we could come by anytime! 

Elder Ochoa
We had a zone conference this week and Elder Ochoa from the Seventy came to speak to us. He had each of us (over a hundred missionaries) go up and introduce ourselves and tell him where we are from. After everyone had the chance to shake his hand he went up on the pulpit and said that as he shook our hands he felt that some of us need to repent. He talked a lot about obedience. It was really cool and I left the meeting very spiritually uplifted

We helped Maria and her husband Neil move in last week. We decided to go over and see how they were doing. She explained to us that she is a very set in her ways Catholic. but then she started asking us questions about who we were. She didn't know anything about our church. she asked if we were Christian and what are your core beliefs were. She also saw the book of Mormon that I was holding and asked what it was. She asked who the founder of our church was. We taught her briefly about the Restoration and about how Jesus Christ is our founder and that his church that he established on the earth a long time ago is on the earth today. She really didn't know anything about us. We ended up giving up pamphlets and the Book of Mormon. She said she would read it because she's curious. it was really cool. 

We decided to go visit an older woman named Kathleen who we saw was a nonmember on our records. She let us in.She had a few dim lights around her home but we couldnt see where we were going. It was so dark and there was junk piled everywhere! We followed her to her room and then she starts talking to us as she smokes her cigarette. She said that her boyfriend passed away a year ago and that shes been wanting the Lord to let her die already. She explained how her boyfriend died of a heart attack and then she points to me and says. "actually he died right where your sitting!" It was kinda creepy. We ended up sharing a message about how Christ can help us overcome anything. We helped clean up her kitchen and she was very grateful and said we were angels from heaven. She was really nice and has gone through a lot.

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