Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #3

by - August 28, 2017

Happy Monday everyone! 

This week has been awesome! We did a lot of service and spent most of the week outside pulling weeds. We did 12 hours of service this week! And yes I am getting hecka black out here haha. We helped a less active kid in the ward put a new stereo in his jeep. He was blasting his rap music which was bringing me back to when I was at home. haha Its all good tho my companion and I sang church songs afterwards to bring the spirit back lol. But that was fun. 

We have been trying to walk instead of using our car because we are almost down on miles. (We are given 1000 miles for each month.) Its been a good workout tho. Oh and good bike came in!! Its in Reno but they are driving it down on Tuesday!
The other day when my companion and I were walking, we saw a coyote on the road! We didnt know if he was gonna attack us, But then It just walked away. haha We've already been chased by dogs we were ready to run haha. Here in Spring Creek everyone has dogs. A lady in our ward gave us pepper spray to defend ourselves from them haha Its funny cuz my companion hates dogs. So she runs off alot haha Some people like to let their dogs loose...we were told because of people like us they don't want around lol anyways

I never realized how big Mining was down here. Everyone is a Miner. They said a lot of people have been moving here to Nevada to mine. Apparently they pay good and have good benefits. But the mining hours arent very good...which explains no one ever being home haha.

I love my Companion Sister Keilani Murdock. She is so chill and we've become best friends. haha well I guess when your with someone 24/7 you grow closer together and you learn to love them. Shes been out for 8 months and served in the Reno Tongan Ward before coming here to Spring Creek. she said she loved it!  She has never met a Poly until she came on a mission. She said thats where she gained weight haha But she learned a little bit of Tongan while she served there which is cool...I hope I get to serve there! haha

On Tuesday we found a new potential investigator named Hannah who we met at a garage sale. She has been searching different religions and stuck with the Baptist church because she likes how the pastor teaches. She has a 7 month old baby girl who she wants to raise being taught with Christian beliefs. She has had a lot of questions about the mormon religion that has made her not want to come to our church. But she let us come to her house. We taught her about Joseph Smith having questions about the different churches and invited her to pray about it. We answered most of her questions that she had which was mainly about the afterlife. The Spirit was strong. She said she wanted her husband to meet with us because he also has a lot of questions. We meet with them next week! So im excited!

We have Zone conference this week where the mission president will come speak to us. My zone consists of all the missionaries who cover Spring Creek, Elko, and Ely. Which is 26 of us all together. My district (Spring Creek Missionaries) have been asked to do a muscial number. They heard me one day playing the piano so they chose me to be a part of it. haha dang it But I will be playing the primary song When I Am Baptized on the piano while my companion sings. haha I guess don't go play the piano if you don't want to be asked to play the piano haha

People laugh when I tell them I'm from Lehi, Utah. So I just lie now and say Im from Samoa. haha just kidding but most of the people here have lived in Utah and they all say they hate the people there so they moved out here. I've met a lot of members and inactives here who say they have had bad experieces feeling like they were being judged in church. everyone here often drives down to Salt Lake to shop because there is only a walmart and other small stores here. I just think its wierd how close I am to home. I could drive down there and back in a day and no one would know haha. Anyways....
I would keep writing but I am only limited an hour on the computer. But there is just so much to write in so little time! Well Me and my companion have to go shop for food now..haha and then we go to the church and play sports with other missionaries until 5 which is when we gotta get back to work.

Love you all! The church is true k peace out bye!

Sister Tupuola. 

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