Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #2

by - August 21, 2017

Hello Family! I love and miss every single one of you! This week has been awesome! I am loving every minute of this experience so far! Something that my Mission Leader told me was that serving a mission is such a short period of time and we need to make sure we don't waste it. He encouraged me to talk to everyone I see because I may regret it one day.

This has been my biggest struggle. I don't like talking to people but I've realized that this is the reason why I am here. I just have to forget myself because there are people out there who need to hear this message about Jesus Christ. I feel really dumb sometimes after getting rejected by someone on the street. haha but I learned to not be sad cuz its really their loss haha. And then I feel better for trying haha.

This week my companion and I weren't getting any luck finding people to talk to. It was almost felt like a ghost town because no one was answering their doors. We rarely see anyone on the streets. But when we do, they ignore us or say they are not interested. We prayed for the Lord to guide us to where we should go. We came to this house with a teepee in the front of it. It was a very interesting house so we decided to knock on their door. A lady in her 50's opened the door. She was really nice and let us in her home. Her name is Kathy and she is Buddhist and is not a member of the Church. We asked her about her beliefs which was quite interesting. She believes that her dog is her aunt who passed away years ago and is now in the form of a dog to watch over her. haha I was laughing in my head but she was dead serious. lol

She asked us about the book we were holding. (book of mormon) She said she's heard about it and she asked us if we knew where she could get a copy. We gave her the book and told her what it was. She said she loves to read and is always looking for a good book. haha me and my companion were looking at each other like is this really happening? haha but we both testified of how the Book Of Mormon has changed our lives. She said she was excited to read it! 

We taught her about God being our father and how we all lived with him as brothers and sisters in heaven before this life. She seemed very interested in what we were saying and said it was a cool concept to think about. She told us we could come back next week and we invited her to read the Book of Mormon and to pray to know if it is true! That was an awesome experience! It was truly a miracle!

And then yesterday we met with a recent convert of the church who was previously a Satanic worshipper. he told us that he sold his soul to the devil. When I first met him I was kinda scared haha he looked kinda scary and was wearing a tshirt with a demon on it. But he is really nice. He told us that he struggles with loving people. He shared a time when he tried to convince a guy to commit suicide. haha i was like whaaa? I told him that I hate people too but Ive learned coming on a mission and serving people has helped me to love and see others differently. We taught him about service and that by serving you can grow a love for people and see people as god sees us.

Those were some of the experiences I had this week! But I guess thats all for this week...gotta go back to work now lol I love you guys and Ill talk to you next week! 

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