Words of Encouragement for Sister Nadira Tupuola!

by - August 07, 2017

Just about a year ago, I made a video like this one for my nephew Elder Grant Wolfgramm. And the response was wonderful. He liked it and inspired him a lot on his mission. Now it's my niece Nadira's turn and it really made my emotions go a bit loopy. What I mean by that is that my emotions was all up and down. Up because I was happy for her and that she's in good hands in her service. Down because we will miss her. But that's ok its call life. Thank you to everyone who helped share their love, thoughts and support for Dira on this video. To The Tupuola family for always being such awesome troopers in putting their faces on camera for the world to see it!! lol I know it can be nerve racking but you all did a fabulous job. For being a shy family, you all were shinning with the Light of Christ and showing your genuine love for your daughter and sister. Thanks! I also want to thank my hubby Mika for gathering some of the family together so that I could make this video for her. Love you babes!!
Everything is finally done after many hours of recording, editing and finalizing to upload to YouTube. I have notified everyone who is a part of this video and who are family to Nadira. But mainly emailing her this video so she can watch it and know how much she is loved by her family. She may have been a shy girl and to her self at times, but this video shares what we as a family love about her and her decision in serving the Lord by accepting to go on a full time mission. I'm glad the video turn out ok and that everyone was touched by it. I love you Sister Nadira Tupuola and I hope you find peace and comfort as you watch this video at the MTC and on your mission in Reno. 
Luv u!

Aunty Jay

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