Elder Iohani Wolfgramm Email #4 (From Me & Mika to Iohani and Iohani's response)

by - October 05, 2018

(Mika to Iohani)

Ok nephew we will get you some body wash and Gum!! 
We will throw in some other stuff too!! Also if u have a family mass email you send out please add me and jay in that email so we can know what your status is!! Ill get that box sent to u as soon as I can today!! So u shud expect a box from us today. Also jay sent you a missionary care package with snacks so hopefully u get that too! Everything here is doing good! I'm still going hard at school and just cant wait to see General Conference this coming up weekend!! Hows your Tagalog language going? Are u adapting well to the language? Always know that the spirit will help you whenever u find urself in a bind. Use it often to help you speak the language. The spirit language is universal and doesn't need to be translated because it is felt rather than heard. Remember that and keep up the good work! Love u nephew and be strong! 
Uncle Mika

(Me to Iohani)

Hey yohan

I hope ur having a good day. I'm just letting you know to keep a look out for a few packages headed ur way. I hope u got ur box of body washes. As for the gum...I didn't know what type of mint gum u like so I grabbed a variety.😊 Also the other boxes of treats, I picked healthier options type of snacks because I wasn't sure what kind of treats you like or if you have any type of allergies. Please let me know when you got it and if you need anything else! We are your missionary parents, so don't feel shy if need anything during your mission OK! 
Much luv & support.
Auntie Jay

(Iohani to Mika & I)

Hey Auntie Jay! Lol Its Finally PDAY!

Well first of all , Thank you so much for the Packages you and Uncle sent, That was super kind! and no I am not allergic to anything so yall's are fine Thanks,, But that body wash, mint gum, Doughnuts with the lettering of ELDER, Tie pins, Journal, Scripture crayons, treats, All of that was so kind! and the Letters, and to answer your questions, yes, I did feel out of the loop once I got here, and my knowledge of this gospel has definitely increased and still is.... There are sometimes where I just want to get up and leave, but then I remind myself, its not about me, but how this Gospel has brought so much joy in my life, so I want to share it with others. Well, Ofa Atu auntie and uncle! Thanks for everything, you really made my days this week with all the goodies!

Mahal Kita! - Elder Wolfgramm

(From Mika to Iohani)

Thanks Iohani for not giving up. 
Remember that we are all praying for you too. Anytime you feel discouraged its the adversary trying to convince you that you should not be there but remember that you are a child of god and he has called you to share your light with the world. Doubt your doubt before you doubt your faith. Do not worry too much about your knowledge but put your faith in the Holy Ghost. Let that be your companion because its the spirit that converts. The spirit will work through you if you are humble, teachable and willing to serve others. You have the greatest opportunity to share the gospel. What a blessing it is to wear his badge and be his servant. You will never have an opportunity like this one. Use it wisely and know that you are not alone. We are all behind you supporting you with our prayers and fast. You always know that you can call on me and jay if you Need anything. We will get it for you. The only thing I ask you Nephew is to NOT give up and know that nothing is impossible with the lord. You have the same name as your great grandpa Iohani. He served all his life and he put his faith in the lord. Miracles followed him because he did that. And the lord protected him. The lord will use you in the same way if you have faith and allow him to direct you. Listen to the still small voice of the spirit in your mind and heart and be obedient to it. Do not fear anything because the lord will protect you always. And most of all have fun on your mission!! 
I love you Iohani!!! 
Uncle Mika

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