Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #58

by - October 15, 2018

Hi family!
 I am doing good and I'm loving my new area. Here are some of the things we did..

Pat is a 79 year old woman who we are teaching. she grew up Presbyterian and loves to have the missionaries over to talk about God. She is so funny. She talked the whole time about how she has 2 boyfriends who are currently fighting over her lol it was funny.

Our appointment with a less active member fell through but as we were walking to our car we met a woman named Drina who is actually a potential we have been trying to get a hold of. She has 3 little girls who she loves more than anything in the world. She likes how our church focuses on the family and she invited us over to come share more about our faith! We are excited for our lesson tonight! 

We did some service for the Food Bank with the Tongan ward elders up in Sun Valley.(home of the worlds biggest trailer park) It was really fun. We just helped pass out food to people. 

Howard is a less active man who the missionaries have been teaching. He is 80 and he is a convert but doesn't attend church due to a lot of health problems. We went to his home and sat on his porch as we listened to Russell M Nelson's talk about the Book of Mormon given in the Oct 2017 General Conference and he loved it and said it was powerful! We talked about the following questions, What would your life be without the Book of Mormon? What would we not know? What would we not have? Howard shared how if he didn't have the Book of Mormon, He would be dead because He would have kept drinking and doing drugs. He said how the Book Of Mormon helped him quit those things. It was cool to hear his testimony. 

A Witness and a Warning
I was given a book from my last Mission President, President Chesnut called, A Witness and a Warning written by Ezra Taft Benson. I just finished it and it was so good and powerful! It mainly talks about the importance of the Book of Mormon but it has grown my testimony of it. He talks about how we are meeting the adversary every day. The challenges of this era will rival any of the past, and those challenges will increase both spiritually and temporally. We must be close to Christ. We must daily take his name upon us, always remember Him and keep His commandments. I am excited for the Prophets invitation to read the Book of Mormon by the beginning of next year! I love the book of Mormon so much! 

Joy the Crazy lady.
Okay never again. We go to visit a woman named Joy (less active) and the second she let us into her RV home, she did not shut up for 2 hours straight. I was getting frustrated because she wouldn't let us talk. We didn't even get to introduce ourselves. She told us her whole life story and named all the people she hates in our ward and why. We actually just had to get up and start walking towards the door. She was crazy. 

Sister Loftice and I were doing companionship study when all of a sudden we hear a knock at our door. We open the door the find a woman who was huffing and puffing. She asked if we had a key to the Sister missionaries apartment downstairs. She said that there is water gushing out of the walls coming from their apartment. We didn't have a key but broke in using a card. and when we opened the door, there was water everywhere! It was all coming from their washer machine. We called them to come home and we all helped sweep all the water out to the street. It didn't destroy much which was a miracle. Some nice construction workers across the street let us use their water vac which helped a lot. But that was interesting! 

all of the set of missionaries in Sparks are dealing with bedbugs in their apartments which have been spreading around the area. luckily, we don't have them! well yet if anything so pray for us! 

Well that's all for this week, sorry I didn't take any pics but I will this week! I hope y'all have a great day! love ya! 

Sister Tupuola 

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